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dle 03-21-2008 03:07 AM

? a christian company ?
This term has been batted about so much, but no one has ever really said what a 'christian company' means to them. So whether it be a trucking company or corner grocery store. What to you makes a 'christian company'?

Rev.Vassago 03-21-2008 03:42 AM

Re: ? a christian company ?

Originally Posted by dle
What to you makes a 'christian company'?

Usually, just that phrase. Companies tend to throw it around, thinking it helps business. IMHO, actions speak louder than words. Take Covenant, for example - They claim to be a "Christian based company", yet they have done some things to their drivers that aren't very christian like. Things like having their employees sign forms waiving their workman's comp rights.

"Christian based", indeed. :roll:

Ridge Runner 03-21-2008 04:39 AM

Re: ? a christian company ?

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by dle
What to you makes a 'christian company'?

Usually, just that phrase. Companies tend to throw it around, thinking it helps business. IMHO, actions speak louder than words. Take Covenant, for example - They claim to be a "Christian based company", yet they have done some things to their drivers that aren't very christian like. Things like having their employees sign forms waiving their workman's comp rights.

"Christian based", indeed. :roll:

You hit the nail on the head with that one! The ones that have to tell you they are a "Christian based company" are NOT doing something right.

They will be known by their actions.

Useless 03-30-2008 03:46 AM

None of the above;

In my experience, (with a few exceptions)the more "Christian" business owners claim to be, the closer you need to guard your wallet!!

Windwalker 03-30-2008 12:48 PM

Back when "TRUCKING FOR JESUS" was still in business, I picked up at a customer in IL. They have women working the dock, and they give you a spray-can of black paint, then tell you to go in your trailer and paint over anything that could have sexual connotations. They also said that any of the companies that have something to do with religion seem to have the most "OFFENDING" trailers. TRUCKING FOR JESUS was one that had the insides of the trailers painted almost completely black.

Sort of makes you wonder about the "CHRISTIAN COMPANIES". I've never worked for one, but from what I've heard from a number of other drivers, it's a front.

syl77dar 04-03-2008 01:29 AM

but some companies say they are christians and are not

Sammonman 04-07-2008 10:50 PM

Those companies and people who profess the most to be Christian are the least. They seem to use it as an excuse for their actions.
I have found them to lie and cheat and when caught they pull the Jesus card.

Trukrswyfe 04-08-2008 10:29 AM


Originally Posted by Sammonman
Those companies and people who profess the most to be Christian are the least. They seem to use it as an excuse for their actions.
I have found them to lie and cheat and when caught they pull the Jesus card.

I am a christian, but I agree 100% with you, and frankly so does Jesus,
He was never more mad at anyone then those that used Him and the Temple to conduct business, He was constanly driving business men and women out. It disgusts me to see the fish symbol and His name used as business cards or a way to drum up business,

As a christian I am more leary to use someone that has those logos , on top of the fact that due to these practices honest christian get a bad rap.

Let me add, that just because someone is a believer: The work place is not for christians to bible thump, I let my faith be know by my attitude and hard work, As long as what I did was legal, I did everything my boss asked no matter what.
And I shut up and worked ( not always a house mommy). The fellow christians I saw that stood around talking about this or that church service, well as I see it stealing from their employer, let me just say that they weren't being paid to talk, but work, if others have jobs that pay them to preach, so be it.

Its not easy to be a real christian, there are temptations every where, and stumble often, But never the less I am genuine in my faith, where I fail I know it, so do others and so does God, My life is transparent before Him, so there is no excuse and no hidding.

Thanks all that felt good to write.
Sorry dle is too far off topic.

dle 04-08-2008 02:42 PM


Sorry dle is too far off topic.
Actually, don't think so. I put this poll up because of all the mentionings of this term - just nothing more. Your response was actually closer to what I was wanting to see.

I've been looking for responses that were more centered on what does the bible say on the subject.

Oh BTW, how are the flying lessons going? Hmm, I hijacked my own thread..

Trukrswyfe 04-08-2008 02:46 PM

unrelated to the trucking biz.

inmate1577 06-16-2008 12:32 PM

What to you makes a 'christian company'?

Any company that interprets the bible to suit their profits.

Sizzle 06-24-2008 09:32 PM

Real Christian Based Company
Hello Everyone, I haven't been on CAD for months. Saw this post and had to respond. I quit my company in 2006 to go find a "better job". I had been with the company for two years and wanted to explore "better possibilities". I went to a company that a good friend spoke highly about and almost flipped out during the orientation when it stated clearly on their brochure that they were not only a Trucking Company but a Ministry.

I didn't go with the company because they were trying to get me to haul trailers through the mountains with another driver [female] to prove I could haul trailers in the mountains. I had hauled trucks most of my first two years not trailers. I was offended because I only needed 2 years of experience to work for them and I had 28 months. I thought it was ludicrous to make a "Denver Woman" prove that she could drive trailers since it should be a given that I could since I'm a 48 stater and certainly do west and south west on several occasions.

They wouldn't put me in a truck with a man due to their religious beliefs. I was told later by my friend that they actually chastized someone for proselytizing [in lay person's terms bible thumping] that made me think that they were sincere. I gave up my chances-turned them down twice. Had some horrendous experiences with hypocrites while living in Missouri who called themselves Christians. So was leary to go with "Christians". My experiences had always been with the "Alleged Christians."

I am sorry now that I didn't go with them. I have someone near and dear to me who has gone over there. I don't know if they consider themselves Christian. However, it has been the best company he has ever worked for. He gets 3,000 practical miles in five days and gets back to his home base in Denver two days a week without asking, prodding or pleading to do so.

I, in the meantime, went back to my company. I have wicked asthma and need a continually idling truck, without smoke or pet dander. My company gave me a brand new truck even though I had quit and returned. I don't get 3,000 in 7 days and am lucky to get home in 2+ weeks. Hence, I made a terrible mistake.

This is definitely a great company to work for. They don't have an anti-idle policy like the majority of Mega Carriers do now and they really care about their people. Hence, this is a company I would highly recommend to anyone.

PM me if you want to know the name. Won't advertise on the board-don't know if they'd appreciate that!! :) 8) :roll:

Allen Smith 07-14-2008 05:37 PM

Re: ? a christian company ?
A "Christian" Company is one that operates and follows the foundation of the christian faith....meaning, moral ethical practices, etc., of course they are still in business to make money, but should run the business utilizing morally based employment my experience, those who advertise as such is doing just that....only "advertising", using that term as another tool in bringing new drivers.....sad, but true.

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