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Jay B 03-01-2008 12:36 AM

Gee officer, I didn't see the sign
So I'm taking a little short cut this morning and I know I am just a bit long for the road, but figure what the heck.

Oh yeah, DOT check point and you know they pulled me in. Perfect inspection but no stickers because I should not have been on that road.

No ticket either, just a warning. Unfortunately he marked me over length for the road on the inspection so no chance at the bonus money.

Bandit102 03-02-2008 06:08 PM

I got nailed Friday on a little bitty twisty road between Prescott, AZ and Cottonwood, AZ. Cost me $175 for a 2 mile police escort, after I'd already done like 40 miles at 10 mph, dodging little cars flying around hairpin turns. There was a sign, but no place to turn around at all.

lurchgs 03-13-2008 07:32 PM

that's a revenue trick.

"You can't drive on this road" - 36 feet after the last possible place to turn around. You rarely (if ever) see that kind of stunt pulled with "One Way" or "Do Not Enter" signs

thebaldeagle655 03-13-2008 08:32 PM

Turned onto a small county road yesterday that I have taken at least 3 - 4 times a month for a year now, about 100 yards up the road there was 2 things that caught my attention. First was a nice new sign that said "Spring Load Limit In Effect, 7 Ton per tandom", the second was the Colorado Highway Patrolman, shaking his head in a no sign at me. OOPS!! Stopped, turned for way flashers on, and advised him that I had been taking that road and that i SWORE it was not load zoned before. He laughed and said that the limit was put in effect earlier this week. Told me where to turn around about 1/2 mile down the road and left. Had to go 59 miles around to get where I was going!

lurchgs 03-14-2008 06:06 PM

Good guy. I like cops like that.. nothing to prove and understand that sometimes life just deals you a dead deck.

bigtimba 03-17-2008 12:49 AM

That reminds me of CR A3, 10 miles east of Susanville, CA. It's a little shortcut that saves about 20 miles on US 395. It's posted for length after you're on it with no good place to turn around. I've used it many times and have never seen anyone pulled over for it.

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