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machzero17 08-23-2007 02:22 AM

does arrow do hair drug test?
Does anyone know whether arrow does the hair drug test?

Ridge Runner 08-23-2007 02:38 AM

Re: does arrow do hair drug test?

Originally Posted by machzero17
Does anyone know whether arrow does the hair drug test?

If you HAVE to ask, then your in the wrong industry. I hate to sound like I'm comming down on just you.... BUT..... If you can't say no to drugs, then what else can't you say NO to? Fudging the logs, running a little too fast just to make the delivery time, running too tired ? What else will you do that will endanger the life of my wife and kids?

machzero17 08-23-2007 03:41 AM

well I heard that the hair test can detect drugs, for up to 10 years, and for your information I dont do any drugs, I tried pot when I was in high school, and Im only 21 right now, I think it is a little unfair that I might fail a drug hair test because I tried pot in high school. I have no problem with urine test because I am clean and have been clean for about 4 years. I have been truck driving since I was 19 and I have been randomed and done pre employment drug screens, this is not an issue for me. I completly understand how important it is to be safe with a big rig. I just dont want to take a test that goes that far back and will have me labeled as a "druggie" in this industry, so could anyone that has worked for arrow please tell if arrow uses the hair drug test, and also any info on the company would be appreaciated

Ridge Runner 08-23-2007 04:24 AM

First of all.... sorry I lumped you with all the others that are looking to "beat-the system". You would not believe how many 40 + year olds that ask the same question. If you have been clean for 4 years then you should have NO problem. The few companies that I know of that do the hair test only go back 6 months. The futher back they go the more $ it costs. Glad to hear your clean. We need all the "good guys" we can get!

Uturn2001 08-23-2007 04:41 AM


Hair testing is quite accurate and can go back normally 3 months (6 months or longer possible with specialty tests), showing any drugs of abuse used in the detection window. As hair grows out, any drugs used are encased in the hair shaft, so the longer the hair, the longer back in the individual's drug history the lab can detect. Accredited hair drug testing labs, however, only use hair within about 2.5–4 cm of the scalp, and discard the rest. With head hair each 0.5 inch (1.27 cm) corresponds to about 30 days. This limits the detection history to about 90 days, depending upon the rate at which the individual's hair grows. Some people attempt to circumvent this through shaving their heads. In the absence of the required amount of hair on the scalp, body hair can be used as an acceptable substitute. It is also possible to use body hair to do hair drug testing, but since body hair grows slower, the head hair window of detection measures will not apply to body hair.
From Wikipedia.

davemaes 08-25-2007 01:20 AM

Re: does arrow do hair drug test?

Originally Posted by machzero17
Does anyone know whether arrow does the hair drug test?

A year ago they just did pee test

Sheepdancer 08-27-2007 08:25 PM

keep in mind that when you do get a job, dont even mention your previous "trying pot". I can speak for other companies, but if im recruiting you and you even mention previous drug use, Im not allowed to hire you.

ibamars 08-31-2007 02:53 AM


keep in mind that when you do get a job, dont even mention your previous "trying pot". I can speak for other companies, but if im recruiting you and you even mention previous drug use, Im not allowed to hire you.
I have to ask just for curiosity sake. I smoked pot when I was 15-19. So what you are saying is that because I made those decisions 20 years ago that would affect me getting employed by your company??

Who cares what i did 20 years ago unless I killed someone or tried to blow up a building or something.

Lets get down to reality. Almost everyone in there younger years smoked pot or tried it. How can your company penalize someone for something they did so many years ago. That doesnt make me a bad person for who and what I stand for today!!

This is not a flame I am just curious. I would like to hear your reply.

I just remembered one thing. I have friends who work for the Federal Govt. Some pretty high up positions. MY one friend was in charge of watching after the president. Anyways. They asked him if he did drugs when he was younger. He said yes. They said okay thanks for your honesty in a nutshell and they put him in charge of watching president Clinton. So how does a truckdriver compare to doing that job. you obviously cant have a pothead doing it, I think the honesty of what are short comings were years ago are more trustworty than trying to hide it.

Oh BTW bring on the Clinton jokes on this one.

Sheepdancer 09-03-2007 05:59 PM

What I was saying is if there isnt a paper trail showing previous drug use, dont mention it. Just mentioning previous drug use can disqualify you from a lot of trucking jobs. Not too long ago I had a lady in orientation.
. The instructor asked the class a simple question. "have any of you used illegal drugs?" My recruit kind of jokingly said, Well about 8 years ago I tried pot but didnt like it (sounds like Clinton) and she was shown the door.
Another story. I had a driver one time trying to come over here. He had a pot arrest about 20 years ago. He had the charge expundged and since then he worked as a cop. Now he is a truck driver and wanted to come over here. He mentioned the drug charge, even though it wasnt on his record and was immideately disqualified.

Part Time Dweller 09-03-2007 06:23 PM

Oh, I see. The coolie carriers have a don't ask don't tell policy also. :lol: In other words, you encourage them to lie as to keep the seats filled.

It would be really nice if recruiters would inform potential drivers of this policy up front to save them the trouble of finding out at orientation. I know, that wouldn't work, recruiters performance is based on how full orientation classes are, not how many make the cut.

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