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RadioRay 09-29-2006 03:43 PM

I absolutely agree with you on all points! The one difference I would postulate is that there are about 600,000 licensed hams in the US. Since CB radio is mostly unregulated (but STILL under the same rules it always was), there is no fair comparison between the two services. However, to say, well, the hams are getting 'X" number of violations from FCC while CBers are getting none is not an accurate picture of the situation--and I don't know how to come up with one under the current enforcement situation. It is not also not fair to indicate by the number of hams who DO get lettered somehow exonerates or justifies the number of actual CB violations that don't get reported. Just because CBers are not getting lettered, it doesn't mean that they are not breaking the law because of
Congress' lack of foresight and FCC's lack of funds.

The only way I could put forth my position on this is to say, yes, there ARE 3-4 ham NAL's or warnings each week on ARRL Letter or other enforcement logs. So that is about 9-12 a month---out of 600,000. If FCC were actually enforcing CB violations as they should, the numbers of CBers being lettered would PALE in comparison to that of the hams. 3-4 per week versus 600,000 who DO obey the rules really isn't all THAT bad. And many of those letters are because hams do somewhat police the bands of violators to keep the bands clean. :wink:

I also agree that the Amateur bands are being "dumbed down". This is the result of an "entitlement" mentality fostered by the dangerous liberal factions in this country with their social nonsense and experimentation. Everybody now screams "RIGHTS" RIGHTS, RIGHTS", and I am "special" so rules don't apply to me. Like you, I refused to advance beyond Advanced :) because of the dumbing down of the rules and exams, and also because of the code issue. And, of course, if you are against these things, you are "elitists", "stuck-up", or "just an old, 50+ year old buzzard that is irrelevant in today's society. That is a label so well-worn by the new generations so soft and used to having everything handed to them on a silver platter. They never had to really WORK for a darned thing, so why should they have to study for an Amateur license?

On complaining about illegal operators with illegal operators, I believe it IS appropriate to come here and let people know that what they are doing is WRONG. True, Amateur Radio is not perfect and has its misfits (like the would-be ham Gerritsen), to ignore ONE wrong [i}because of[/i]
another is also wrong. If the group that is regarded as not technically savvy and not required to know that their activity is wrong, then how are they to know at all? *Some* drivers, having had it explained to them, will
say, "WHOA! I didn't know this was illegal; I'll stay off those 'channels'"! And if it stops 1, 2, 3, or 20 drivers from filching the ham bands, it is worth it, I think! And, like the rogue hams, *some* will say, "I bought this here radio with them channels, and I'm gonna use 'em!" These are the ones who must be forced to stop that activity. Two wrongs don't make a right. If it is wrong on ham bands, it is just as wrong on CB. :D

kc0iv 09-29-2006 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by RadioRay
I absolutely agree with you on all points! The one difference I would postulate is that there are about 600,000 licensed hams in the US. Since CB radio is mostly unregulated (but STILL under the same rules it always was), there is no fair comparison between the two services. However, to say, well, the hams are getting 'X" number of violations from FCC while CBers are getting none is not an accurate picture of the situation--and I don't know how to come up with one under the current enforcement situation. It is not also not fair to indicate by the number of hams who DO get lettered somehow exonerates or justifies the number of actual CB violations that don't get reported. Just because CBers are not getting lettered, it doesn't mean that they are not breaking the law because of
Congress' lack of foresight and FCC's lack of funds.

The same thing can be said about CBers. The majority of CBers operate in a legal manner. Only a small number have "kickers" and even fewer operate out-of-band. How many is anyones guess. The same can be said about hams. I'm sure illegal operations are alot higher than you think in the ham bands.

To blame congress is wrong. It was the FCCs that done away with the license of CB not congress. It was the FCC that allowed the import of linears. It was the FCC that allowed import of radios capable of operation outside of legal bands. About the only thing the FCC got right was the was a somewhat requirement on installation of 10 meter coils in amps.

There are very few of CBer that don't know what they are doing is wrong and/or illegal. What they know is the chance of getting caught is not much. What you see is companies write memos because some FCCer wrote a letter and that's as far as it goes. They respond to the FCC with a copy of their memo and put a copy in the file to cover their behind. As was said by another poster both UPS and FEX got such a letter but their drivers are still using illegal equipment. Lets face it the operation of the trucking companies as far CB operation is concern is a long way down on the food chain.

I think in most cases the same goes for the FCC. Some ham files a complaint about hearing a illegal operation. So the FCC writes a "form letter" with a thank-you to the ham. End of that complaint. Maybe a few time every of often they make a token action in a couple of cities and write a few warning. Big deal!!

But let a network show a bare breast (which was beyond their control) and boy do they go nuts. Big fines and threat of station license. Why? Because thoundands of people wrote letters. You don't have that kind of responce because of illegal operations on the ham or CB bands.

I think we have beat this horse about as far as we can.

Have a great day.


RadioRay 09-30-2006 12:34 AM

On a different and final(?) note, you might enjoy this little bit of info. Seems there was a steel company whose driver was caught jabbering on 10 Meters. It turns out that the OWNER is a licensed ham!!! When he got "his" letter, he was really MAD :evil: and called the driver in for a "meeting". The driver didn't just get his a$$ chewed out, the company owner/ham chewed around the edges and let it FALL out!! I'm told that the owner REALLY put a scolding on him!! :D :D This is according to you-know-who, Special Counsel for Amateur Enforcement!
I would've LOVED to have been a little mouse listening to THAT meeting! 8) This one hasn't been published, but I imagine it will show up in a week or two on ARRL enforcement log. :lol:



Clay51 10-31-2006 02:35 AM

Last time I checked the regs, cw transmissions are legal on any frequency on the hf amateur bands with the exception of the 60 meter band.

Hope the FCC continues to crack down on the illegal radios.

Did a casual run for a company once, and found the regular driver had a converted 10 meter radio in the truck. Should have taken a hammer to it.

kc0iv 10-31-2006 10:09 AM


Originally Posted by Clay51
Last time I checked the regs, cw transmissions are legal on any frequency on the hf amateur bands with the exception of the 60 meter band.

Hope the FCC continues to crack down on the illegal radios.

Did a casual run for a company once, and found the regular driver had a converted 10 meter radio in the truck. Should have taken a hammer to it.

Last time I checked the regulations there is no 60 meter band used by amateur band.

Second question is how could you tell the radio was a converted 10 meter radio and not a legal ham band radio?


RadioRay 10-31-2006 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by kc0iv

Originally Posted by Clay51
Last time I checked the regs, cw transmissions are legal on any frequency on the hf amateur bands with the exception of the 60 meter band.

Hope the FCC continues to crack down on the illegal radios.

Did a casual run for a company once, and found the regular driver had a converted 10 meter radio in the truck. Should have taken a hammer to it.

Last time I checked the regulations there is no 60 meter band used by amateur band.

Second question is how could you tell the radio was a converted 10 meter radio and not a legal ham band radio?


Uh, reference the 60 Meter band. Those are the 5 MHZ "channelized" frequencies with a 50 watt ERP rating. They are designed to be shared with government agencies such as FEMA and hams in an emergencies. If you go to QRZ, you will read where ARRL has petitioned FCC to allow full 100 watt ERP and a change in one frequency to get away from a gov't digital operation that seems to always be on the air. I never have used those frequencies because I don't want to accidentally exceed the ERP requirements. NTIA has filed no objection to the changes, and when/if these changes are approved, then I might try it. 8)



kc0iv 11-01-2006 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by RadioRay

Uh, reference the 60 Meter band. Those are the 5 MHZ "channelized" frequencies with a 50 watt ERP rating. They are designed to be shared with government agencies such as FEMA and hams in an emergencies. If you go to QRZ, you will read where ARRL has petitioned FCC to allow full 100 watt ERP and a change in one frequency to get away from a gov't digital operation that seems to always be on the air. I never have used those frequencies because I don't want to accidentally exceed the ERP requirements. NTIA has filed no objection to the changes, and when/if these changes are approved, then I might try it. 8)



Thanks for the info RR. That is a new one on me. I hadn't heard about this one. I don't see much use of adding a new antenna. I think I'll just keep what I have.


Clay51 11-02-2006 12:18 PM


Agree with you about 60 meters. My FT-857D will set the power to 50 watts, but the ATAS 120 will not tune that low.

Don't seem to hear much activity there anyway.

RadioRay 11-03-2006 12:05 AM

I decided not to mess with 60 Meters, either because of all the restrictions. I felt that getting the 50 watt maximum precisely wasn't worth the trouble. :D Now if they change that soon (and ARRL is proposing it) then I might go there. :D


Crete_drvr 11-03-2006 08:40 PM

Re: "Brown" and 10 meter radios

Originally Posted by feederfred
I run a Magnum S380 (4 finals)

That's a damn good radio. I like my Galaxy 93T better though.

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