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Rev.Vassago 02-02-2008 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Just a few pointers hopefully everyone will take to heart EPECIALLY OUR RESIDENT TROLLS REV AND BID DIESEL

Exactly what did I say that was mocking your condition? Tell me. I insist.

SilverWulf 02-02-2008 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Fozzy there are 3 major types of seizures simple were you stare off into space for a few seconds. Simple-partials were an extremity twitches but the person is aware and can function. Last is the GTC or Generlized Tonic Clonic or Grand Mal type which is what I have were the person falls to the ground loses control of bodily functions and also forgets about what happens and who they are. The worst part of being an Epileptic is not knowing even it is has been years since your last one when that next one will hit.

That right there is exactly why someone with a seizure condition should never drive a CMV, much less a car.

Fozzy 02-02-2008 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
The worst part of being an Epileptic is not knowing even it is has been years since your last one when that next one will hit.

And yet your assertions are that these people are being discriminated against and should be allowed to drive tractor trailers down the highway next to my family? :roll:

Fozzy 02-02-2008 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by ironeagle2006
Big Diesel I really hope you end up with a conditon that makes you learn what I go through everyday.

What a happy and kind thought... No one here is mocking the seizures! They are mocking your ignorant assertion that people with KNOWN seizure histories should be allowed to drive multi-ton vehicles at high speeds down the highways and city streets!


You seem to think that I am making up what happens during one and make fun of it. Lets see you loose your life long dream to a conditon that effects more than 3 million people in the US yet most people know LITTLE OR NOTHING ABOUT AND MAKE FUN ABOUT.


I had never heard about Eplilepsy til I devolped it now I try to educate people about it and let me tell you it is a hard juob BECAUSE OF STUPID IDIOTS LIKE YOU.
People here seem to know about the potential problems and dangers of having you behind the wheel...

1jcc 02-02-2008 05:03 PM

I see some people here still think people with epilepsy should be locked up and all rights taken away. That's how they used to do it. Why do you think people with epilepsy don't say they have it. Most are turned down for jobs if they mention it. No matter what the job is. The employer is so afraid of "what if".
Well it must be time to park all trucks. Any one of us could have a seizure at any time. Granted your chances are greater if you did have one in the past. Or do we make any driver from the ages of 30-40 park. They have a higher chance of having a seizure. Then after 60.
I know many people with epilepsy. Some just can't get control. Some have been off medication for 5-10-20 years and have not had any more problems. Some take medication and no longer have seizures. Some take two pills a day and have complete control. I know one who takes pills seven times a day. He now has been seizure free for nine years.
So the chances are just to great... You should not be able to get a drivers licence until 21. Now we need to stop selling alcohol. Oh yea if you are diabetic or have any heart problems. Lets see, young drivers are #1 on the list of accidents. Alcohol is a close 2nd. Diabetics and wow, epilepsy are almost the same. We let diabetic drivers drive. If we ban of those drivers the roads will be much safer. Since you love regulations. It sure must be a good thing they are getting closer for black boxes. That will make the roads safer for us all.
I understand that it sounds safer to not allow drivers with controlled seizures drive. What if they have another seizure? So you better stay out of CA and some other states. They let drivers with epilepsy drive CMV's. Some states let them drive haz-mat.

Rev.Vassago 02-02-2008 05:22 PM


Originally Posted by 1jcc
I see some people here still think people with epilepsy should be locked up and all rights taken away.

Who here said anything of the sort? :roll:


Why do you think people with epilepsy don't say they have it. Most are turned down for jobs if they mention it. No matter what the job is. The employer is so afraid of "what if".
In the transportation industry, that is a valid fear.


Well it must be time to park all trucks. Any one of us could have a seizure at any time. Granted your chances are greater if you did have one in the past.
That's the entire point, summed up in one nice little red highlighted sentence.


You should not be able to get a drivers licence until 21. Now we need to stop selling alcohol. Oh yea if you are diabetic or have any heart problems. Lets see, young drivers are #1 on the list of accidents. Alcohol is a close 2nd. Diabetics and wow, epilepsy are almost the same. We let diabetic drivers drive. If we ban of those drivers the roads will be much safer. Since you love regulations. It sure must be a good thing they are getting closer for black boxes. That will make the roads safer for us all.
1. Commercial drivers under the age of 21 are not allowed to engage in interstate commerce.

2. Commercial drivers are not allowed to drive under the influence, and are more strictly regulated in regards to even being around a CMV with alcohol. The punishment for violations are also more severe.

3. Diabetics are regulated by the FMCSA

4. Black boxes are inevitable, and are only a bad thing for the lawbreakers.


I understand that it sounds safer to not allow drivers with controlled seizures drive. What if they have another seizure? So you better stay out of CA and some other states. They let drivers with epilepsy drive CMV's. Some states let them drive haz-mat.
Not as an interstate driver. The government's hands are tied when it comes to intrastate commerce.

Fredog 02-02-2008 05:26 PM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by 1jcc
I see some people here still think people with epilepsy should be locked up and all rights taken away.

Who here said anything of the sort? :roll:


Why do you think people with epilepsy don't say they have it. Most are turned down for jobs if they mention it. No matter what the job is. The employer is so afraid of "what if".
In the transportation industry, that is a valid fear.


Well it must be time to park all trucks. Any one of us could have a seizure at any time. Granted your chances are greater if you did have one in the past.
That's the entire point, summed up in one nice little red highlighted sentence.


You should not be able to get a drivers licence until 21. Now we need to stop selling alcohol. Oh yea if you are diabetic or have any heart problems. Lets see, young drivers are #1 on the list of accidents. Alcohol is a close 2nd. Diabetics and wow, epilepsy are almost the same. We let diabetic drivers drive. If we ban of those drivers the roads will be much safer. Since you love regulations. It sure must be a good thing they are getting closer for black boxes. That will make the roads safer for us all.
1. Commercial drivers under the age of 21 are not allowed to engage in interstate commerce.

2. Commercial drivers are not allowed to drive under the influence, and are more strictly regulated in regards to even being around a CMV with alcohol. The punishment for violations are also more severe.

3. Diabetics are regulated by the FMCSA

4. Black boxes are inevitable, and are only a bad thing for the lawbreakers.


I understand that it sounds safer to not allow drivers with controlled seizures drive. What if they have another seizure? So you better stay out of CA and some other states. They let drivers with epilepsy drive CMV's. Some states let them drive haz-mat.
Not as an interstate driver. The government's hands are tied when it comes to intrastate commerce.

if they didnt let anyone drive any vehicle at any time for any reason, there would be way less wrecks and traffic jams

1jcc 02-02-2008 07:34 PM

What I and so many others are asking is why is it safe for these drivers on a intrastate level and not interstate? How is it safe in other countries and not here? The panel gave the reports on Australia and Canada. The number of accidents have not increased by allowing these drivers to drive CMV's.
If these drivers can and are safe, then why not? Is it just the what if?
Ok, black boxes will only affect law breakers. So by getting rid of lawbreakers could make it safer. no argument. I don't want one in my truck and I run legal. I don't want to pay for it. If I run legal why do I need one?
Yes alcohol and CMV's do not mix. Stiff fines and penalties. It still happens. You always hear a driver on the radio saying he has some beer left if anyone wants it. How do we stop it? Stopping the sale of alcohol will keep it out of trucks. It could only have a positive affect. It would only effect me in a positive way since I don't buy it. I don't think it would be right to stop selling it even if it stops all DUI's. It takes our rights away even if it makes us safer. Take guns away and no one will get shot. Still not right. And so on and on.
If these drivers can prove they are safe why not? If they see the doctor more often than the rest of us and has the doctors say, let them. I really do not think we will have every person with controlled seizures wanting to drive trucks. We didn't have every diabetic get in a truck. Many say it is not safe to allow them to drive CMV's. We had to fight hard to let them drive CMV's. They pose a risk to the rest of us. Do we pull them of the road. I know quite a few diabetics, I have seen what happens when it gets to high or low. They do have a way of testing. I have seen it get away from them when they were just fine a short time ago, that would have been bad in a truck.
You have the right to your own opinions. So do I. You feel it is just to risky. I feel it could be done safely for some.

Kranky 02-02-2008 07:40 PM


Originally Posted by 1jcc
Take guns away and no one will get shot. .


Criminals will still have guns and people will still be getting shot because criminals do not obey the law.

Fredog 02-02-2008 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Splitshifter

Originally Posted by 1jcc
Take guns away and no one will get shot. .


Criminals will still have guns and people will still be getting shot because criminals do not obey the law.

I think he meant if there were no guns at all

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