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Orangetxguy 05-23-2011 04:21 PM

Originally Posted by mgfg:
And it slows down all the other traffic flow as the steering wheel holders/meat in the seat types get nervous and slow down. And again, what's wrong with the policy that unless you are passing you keep to the right.

Ya know....I hope the young lady that started this thread, asking for advice, does not become a "steering wheel holder/meat in the seat type", I truly do. And.....there isn't anything wrong with having a policy of keeping right unless you are passing.

Now wrong with holding the philosophy that, staying towards the center is safe?

All types of people hold different types of values............Just like this bunch.

Doomsday prophet, followers ‘flabbergasted’ world didn’t end - Yahoo! News

If you read the story, you will notice that one of the "believers" is a 38 year old OTR driver...who maxed out his credit, touring the country with his family. Nothing at all wrong with believing...though I do think he was silly to max out his credit.

Unless I am out on the open road....I will continue to stay towards the center (in metro areas)....and increase my chances of staying safe. The young lady who asked the question.....She can decide for herself, once she has gotten into the seat, just exactly what is going to work best for her. She has a long way to go, before she needs to follow anyone's advice.

strawberryrhubarbpie 05-23-2011 05:08 PM

I do have a long way to go! I drive a dump truck now so I kinda know what you all are talking about, for me it depends on the traffic and also if I'm full or empty, when I'm empty I can stop quicker so being in the right lane doesn't bother me as much, but when I'm full I'm a lot more cautious and drive a LOT slower. I like to stay out of the right lane until I know I'm about to turn, for the reason of not having to stop suddenly. Can't tell you how many times someone has pulled right in front of me seconds before turning into a driveway. Anyway, thanks for all the advice, I'm soaking it all in like a sponge!

strawberryrhubarbpie 05-23-2011 10:47 PM

I am on the waiting list to get in the May 31st class at PTEC in St. Petersburg, FL. I talked with the school today, she said my chances of getting in are looking good but she can't say for sure until after tomorrow afternoon because she is giving a few people until then to decide.

strawberryrhubarbpie 05-24-2011 04:05 AM

Has anyone read 'Diary of a Swift Driver" ?

tracer 05-24-2011 10:43 PM

Originally Posted by Orangetxguy:
If you like slowing and stopping continually, then by all means, stay in the right hand lane.

I agree 100%. Keeping the curb lane free allows room for four-wheelers to enter the freeway and it makes it SAFER for everyone, especially the big trucks. As long as you stay with the flow of the traffic in the second lane from the right, there's no reason for anyone - especially rookies - to have a heart attack.

One 05-30-2011 03:31 AM

I think the most important thing is to be safe . 1 screw up in your first year and you may have screwd urself out of a career. if you find yourself in a spot where you have to back out into a road or any other "wtf how am i gonna do this?" get help, a law man if needed.

strawberryrhubarbpie 05-30-2011 07:26 PM

Thanks everyone, I decided to wait to go to the class starting August 22nd but I'll be on here quite a bit until then to get as much advice as possible until then :)

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