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perchmouth 07-02-2008 02:28 AM

Old Dominion road test tomorrow - really nervous
I got a call today from Old Dominion asking if I would be available to do a road test with them tomorrow at 7:30 a.m., which I agreed to. The dispatcher asked if I have my pre-trip inspection down, and I said I did. He said, "good, because you'll only get one shot at this." But what I learned in school and had to perform for my road test to get my CDL wasn't nearly as involved as what I'm expecting tomorrow morning.

I've been studying my ass off all night, but I'm really feeling unprepared. Would it be it inappropriate if I told this guy tomorrow that I feel like I need a little more time to prepare for the this road test (like a day or two)? He knows I'm newbie and have no experience at this point. Am I overreacting?

belpre122 07-02-2008 02:52 AM

Maybe not innapropriate, but possibly the last that you would hear from them.

It sounds like you have it all under control Perch. May be just a little case of the nerves? Brush up a bit, go in and show 'em how it's done.

We'll be looking forward to hearing about your new job. BOL!

perchmouth 07-02-2008 02:55 AM

Thanks, man. Do you think this this guy will expect me to do a more involved pre trip inspection than what I did for my DOT exam?

belpre122 07-02-2008 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by perchmouth
Thanks, man. Do you think this this guy will expect me to do a more involved pre trip inspection than what I did for my DOT exam?

I seriously doubt that it could be any more involved than the DOT exam.
Just do it like you did for the DOT.

Additionally, BE ON-TIME. Present yourself as a confident, motivated, flexible and reliable driver.

Remember....first impressions! That will make all of the difference for you tomorrow.

Now, double check everything and get some shut-eye driver. :wink:

You're going to do just fine.

MartenDrvrCA 07-02-2008 03:25 AM


Originally Posted by perchmouth
Thanks, man. Do you think this this guy will expect me to do a more involved pre trip inspection than what I did for my DOT exam?

And if youre not sure that something is on the pre trip,just point it out and name it to the examiner anyway:) Better to be safe than sorry. :wink:

matcat 07-02-2008 05:05 AM

Easyest thing with the pretrip is just to work your way around, start from the top and work your way down, and take your time. Whatever you missed for the DOT to get your CDL (If they told you), just try to keep an eye out for it.

I know for me the in cab pretrip was the toughest, just take the time to eyeball everything, and if you arent sure mention it anyway.

More then likely your nerves will be the only contributing factor to you forgetting anything, so just relax, and again, take your time, when people get nervous they tend to 'speed up' what they are doing to just get it over with, and doing that you will start forgetting things.

Mackman 07-04-2008 12:09 AM

So how did you make out???

ibamars 07-05-2008 05:51 AM

Yeah man, How did you make out!!! It could not have been that intense!!!!!!!!!!

I know how these LTL road tests are. You probably just drove around the yard!!!! :)

perchmouth 07-07-2008 09:38 PM

the road test went ok. not great, but not bad. turned out the guy wanted me to do the pre-trip just like i did for the DOT. but i was still a little nervous and screwed up a couple of things - nothing too major. the guy could tell i was nervous. honestly, i don't think i screwed it up, though. i more pissed that i allowed myself to get worked up like that. oh well - live and learn.

after the road test, the guy tells me to wait so i can talk to the dispatcher after he briefs him on how the road test went. turned out the dispatcher wasn't there, so the guy says i'll get a call that afternoon. call never came. so i called late in the day, and the dispatcher tells me he can't talk to me now and that he'll call either thursday or today. call never comes. i call today and he says that they can't do anything until they hear from corporate. i ask if he can at least tell me how i did on the road test, and he says he really can't say anything until he hears from them.

what's up with that? if they're not interested, i'd think they'd just come right out and say so. on the other hand, i'm not sure why the process is taking so long and why this dude won't call me like he says he's going to. right now i have no idea when they'll here from corporate. i've already been drug tested, background checked and had a physical.

Snowman7 07-07-2008 09:47 PM

Better companies will cross their t's and dot their i's a little more thoroughly. I'd say your OK on the road test and they're waiting for all the other pieces of info. The local terminal cannot hire you until the general office says its OK. Dont get nervous but continue to check back every couple days.

belpre122 07-07-2008 09:48 PM


Originally Posted by perchmouth
i ask if he can at least tell me how i did on the road test, and he says he really can't say anything until he hears from them.

Don't read anything into that Perch. Companies commonly prohibit anyone but HR representatives from making any comments regarding hiring and personnel matters.


Originally Posted by perchmouth
i'm not sure why the process is taking so long and why this dude won't call me like he says he's going to. right now i have no idea when they'll here from corporate. i've already been drug tested, background checked and had a physical.

Be patient! OD is a big company. A lot of red-tape to overcome until an actual offer-of-employment is to be tendered.

Think positive bro. It's all good.

perchmouth 07-07-2008 10:33 PM

thanks guys. i feel a lot better. i'll just chill and ride this out. if it doesn't come through, i guess i'll have to go with roehl. keep your fingers crossed for me!

perchmouth 07-09-2008 03:44 PM

so when would it be ok to follow up with this guy again? he told me on monday afternoon that he won't know anything until he hears from corporate, and he has a habit of not following up with me.

Jimbpard 07-09-2008 04:44 PM

If you want the job, go after it. Otherwise your just another application to him. I'd call him atleast every 2-3 days.

Snowman7 07-09-2008 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by Jimbpard
If you want the job, go after it. Otherwise your just another application to him. I'd call him atleast every 2-3 days.


Twilight Flyer 07-09-2008 09:40 PM

True, but keep in mind that they're coming off a major industry holiday in which a lot of people were either gone last week or are gone this week...especially corporate. 8) I'd follow up Friday MORNING and then again Monday or Tuesday of next week...give them time to catch up on the paperwork that sat on vacationers desks the past 2 weeks. :)

perchmouth 07-14-2008 07:53 PM

Got word today. They're passing on me because I don't have enough "seat time".

It's a bummer. I guess I'll have to go with Roehl and pay my dues until I have enough experience to qualify for local work.

TomB985 07-15-2008 01:55 AM

If you have any questions about Roehl, send me a PM. I've been here for about 8 months now...

perchmouth 07-15-2008 02:10 AM

Hey Tom - I'm under 50 posts and can't PM yet, so let me know if it's ok to message you via AIM next time you're on line. Thanks.

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