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possessed 03-12-2008 03:12 AM

New member, not a trucker yet, but I have a ton of questions
First let me say, I have wanted to drive a truck my whole life. My dad drove trucks so I can never remember not being around them. He hauled cattle OTR and was gone for 3-5 weeks at a time when I was real young. He later starting hauling grain locally and was rarely ever gone overnight.

My brothers pretty much tood over the business and have several trucks of their own. Long story short, my parents divorced when I was 9 and we moved 500 miles away. So I kind of lost touch with my brothers and dad over the years. My dad recently passed away. Now I am really wanting to start driving. I guess it's in my blood since trucking runs in the family. 8)

Any way, my one question is could a few of you OTR guys and gals desribe a typical day OTR? I realize there is no "typical" day in any line of work, but maybe you could desribe what a day might be like from the time you wake up until you go to bed that night.

I have only recently joined this forum, but I have been reading it for quite a while and have learned a lot.

possessed 03-12-2008 02:25 PM

Anyone willing to share what a "typical" day OTR might consist of?

Mackman 03-12-2008 02:44 PM

I dont drive OTR so i cant be of much help. But if you use the search on this website you can find alot of info. Look up the posts by a member called ColdFrostyMug he shared alot of good info about OTR trucking.

Chasing Daylight 03-12-2008 03:46 PM

Why not try a little honesty MackMan? CFM posted a lot of belligerant crap about how terrible OTR is.

Possessed, there is no good answer to your question. No such thing as typical in this line of work. Some days your under freight and running all day, good weather, light traffic, just cruising. Some days you spend 8 hours on dock being jerked around then have to run as hard as you can up to your 14 hour limit to catch up, take exactly 10 hours off and start over again with an 11 hour drive. Some days you might even sit in a truck stop all day waiting for a dispatcher to give you a load that doesn't exist. Every day will be different.

A lot depends on the driving you want to do. If you run 48 state long haul, you'll have more days of just driving, no docks no stops. If you run regional you'll spend a lot more time on dock, but you'll often be expected to burn fewer miles in a day. If you run local you'll do nothing but bang docks, but you'll be paid by the hour for it instead of by the mile. There are lots of options.

As to the first suggestion made to you. Remember it is made by a local driver, all of whom seem to have a huge attitude problem regarding OTR work. I would read what they have to say, as local work may be an option for you. But read what everyone else has to say as well. Get the big picture and put a lot of thought into what you want and need out of this career.

dle 03-12-2008 04:27 PM

"Typical" day for an OTR driver. There is no "typical" day. It changes from day to day, week to week in terms of the details. If you want a schedule that goes something like this:
0700 - 0800 shower, dress breakfast
0800 - 1300 drive
1300 - 1500 deliver/pick up
1500 - 2000 drive
2000 - 2300 eat dinner, get ready for bed
2300 - 0700 sleep

If you are looking for this kind of answer, you won't find it. An OTR driver schedule is based on when a load is picked up and delivered and how much driving there is in between. With a slight mixture of fuel stops, truck / trailer breakdowns, scales, restroom breaks etc. One day your work day may start at 0200 and end at 1600, the next day might not start until 1300.

Another way of saying it is, long periods of boredom followed by periods of stark raving terror.

Do a search on the forum, will give you more ideas of what it is like. But be prepared most of the posts will be negative in nature.

possessed 03-13-2008 01:53 AM

Actually guys, you gave me the answer I was looking for. Like I said, in no line of work is there a "typical" day, but I was just wanting an idea of what a day might consist of.


Also, I talked with one of our company drivers today. He told me a lot of stuff, he drove OTR for 17 years.

flood 03-13-2008 09:06 AM

if you have time read this

possessed 03-13-2008 10:50 PM

That is an awesome thread. I have read into page 32, but my eyes need a break.

flood 03-14-2008 01:34 AM

it's a long read but it will give you a good look at the day to day

possessed 03-14-2008 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by flood
it's a long read but it will give you a good look at the day to day

I have been reading it. I won't know until I get out there, but man I sure do think I'll love it.

TomB985 03-14-2008 03:15 AM

Just remember to take everything here with a grain of salt...lots of differing points of view here.

And something most of us can agree on...IGNORE anything posted by ColdFrostyMug :evil: ...he labelled anyone not doing his career of choice as a sucker, and nobody really paid any attention to him.

Mackman 03-14-2008 03:21 AM


Originally Posted by TomB985
Just remember to take everything here with a grain of salt...lots of differing points of view here.

And something most of us can agree on...IGNORE anything posted by ColdFrostyMug :evil: ...he labelled anyone not doing his career of choice as a sucker, and nobody really paid any attention to him.

Just to let you know Coldfrostmug told it how it was. What did he ever lie about??? Long hours, low pay, Not getting paid for 1/2 the stuff you do. The list goes on and on and on.

Colts Fan 03-14-2008 03:22 AM


Originally Posted by TomB985
Just remember to take everything here with a grain of salt...lots of differing points of view here.

And something most of us can agree on...IGNORE anything posted by ColdFrostyMug :evil: ...he labelled anyone not doing his career of choice as a sucker, and nobody really paid any attention to him.

I thought he brought up some very valid points. Some people just choose to be blind to the truth. :roll:

Dunnowhattodowithmylife 03-14-2008 04:40 AM


Originally Posted by Colts Fan

Originally Posted by TomB985
Just remember to take everything here with a grain of salt...lots of differing points of view here.

And something most of us can agree on...IGNORE anything posted by ColdFrostyMug :evil: ...he labelled anyone not doing his career of choice as a sucker, and nobody really paid any attention to him.

I thought he brought up some very valid points. Some people just choose to be blind to the truth. :roll:

He may have had some valid points, but nobody wants to listen to somebody who is so negative about everything. Current otr drivers don't want to be told they are stupid and we newbies don't want to constantly hear how much otr is gonna suck. It's not that we want everything sugarcoated or want to be blind to the truth, we just prefer posters who can tell the good with the bad. I've always been a 'glass three quarters empty' type of guy and even I couldn't stand his negativity. After reading his posts for a couple months, I finally learned to just skip over them (his and someone else on this board who seems to enjoy reminding others that 'McDonalds is hiring'.

DIESEL BEAST 03-15-2008 03:58 PM

Some days are good and some are bad. Bad days consists of missing a turn on a 2-lane country road and having to drive a possible 30 miles before you can even get turned around. Also, getting lost in a town for 2hrs. or more before finding your destination. Mounting driving in bad weather is never good. Driving in some areas where your cell phone has no signal. Finally, getting a load into a town or city that you feel very uncomfortable with.

Good days consists of driving to a city or state that you've always wanted to visit. Eating at various restaraunts and different foods that you do not have in your home city. Meeting different people from all across the country. Seeing historical land marks or places that you've always heard of or seen on TV. Always having a story to tell your friends and family about your travels. These are my personal bad/good days.

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