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Skywalker 11-04-2007 01:53 PM

For all you "soda drinkers"
Recently, my wife read an article....she's an RN, and the crux of the article was that there was a study done that shows that there is a steep "upswing" in the number of people having onsets of Diabetes. What is most amazing is that many of the people coming down with Diabetes do not drink sodas with sugar in them. They drink the sugarless "diet sodas".

Diabetes is a very serious problem where Professional Drivers are concerned and an onset of Diabetes if not handled properly can be fatal. If a driver has to treat the condition with injectable insulin....the career is dead.

Those of you, who are like me, guys who spent time in Vietnam, and who have been exposed to Agent Orange, White or Blue....have what appears to be a substantially higher risk of onsets of Diabetes and some other maladies.

Folks, we all need to take the steps to protect our health, not just for ourselves but for our loved ones as well.

Drink more water, ease up off the sodas. Watch your calorie and carbohydrate intakes... One sure fire test that you aren't doing it right, is your pants "got shrunk in the dryer".... :roll: :shock: :? And if you are already a victim of "dunlaps" need to make serious changes now.

I'm not a skinny for me its a constant battle... I was apnic, and snored like a lion.... I lost about 75 pounds....not apnic anymore and rarely snore.... usually only after having a drink or two....or am really wore out.

Health issues are serious....protect yourself.

I lost my weight using the South Beach Diet guide of what to eat. Give the book a look. There is a list of foods in the back of the book that ranks foods by their glycemic values (sugar) and how many carbohydrates there are in the food.

Take care of yourselves. No one is going to do it for you!

TK THE TRUCKER 11-04-2007 02:35 PM

Good post Skywalker ! I used to drink chocolate milk in the morning and regular Coke the rest of the day and that's it. I decided to do a month long experiment where I would drink nothing but water for the whole month to see if I lost any weight, I would still eat the same though. Well I ended up not losing a single pound but after a month of drinking water I decided to just continue drinking it since soda is so bad for my health. I really hate water but I found this flavored water from Aquafina call "flavorsplash". Some flavored waters have sugar in them but this has no sugar and 0 calories. The only thing it has is some sodium at 65mg per 8oz serving. I don't know if that amount is good or bad. I buy a 6 pack of 16.9oz bottles at Wal-mart for $2.50 each. So it's cheaper than drinking soda and I don't make stops all day at convenience stores to get a fountain soda.

I know one thing, when I stopped drinking soda like I did a couple days later my legs started to get incredibly sore, at one point I could barely walk. I didn't know at first but after doing some research online it was because of the lack of caffeine. It lasted for about 5 more days and then receded. 8) 8)

Uturn2001 11-04-2007 02:47 PM

Just a little dietary guidance:

Sodium intake should be no more that 6 grams per day for a totally healthy person. Some one with diabetes or high blood pressure should strive for 4 grams or less per day

No more than 20% of your daily calories should come from fat.

Carbohydrates should be kept at 45-50 grams per meal, and yes there are "good" carbs and bad ones. Good carbs are things like veggies, whole grains, fruits (preferably fresh), etc. Bad carbs are processed sugars, "white" breads, potatoes, etc.

A typical person only needs 8-12 grams of protein per day.

Skywalker 11-04-2007 03:29 PM

Frankly... I have a fairly large caffeine intake. Without it, I get headaches and I completely de-caffeinated once...turned into a "potted plant". You needed to zap me with a stun stick to see if I was alive. SO, my wife said... get back on the caffeine.

Now a days, since I have cut sodas out pretty much entirely.... if I need extra caffeine, and don't feel like coffee at the time.... I drink what is called "Morning Spark"..... I get it at Wal-Mart (where else :shock: ? ).... Its usually found in the drink mixes section. Comes in different flavors. I like the "grapefruit" flavor....nasty taste...but I like sour anyway. But if you put it in a 20 oz water'll keep you awake...better than coffee. And the really nice thing besides not being very expensive.....there is no "crash" when the caffeine wears off....not like with sugar loaded "energy drinks". I find a 16 oz water bottle is too small and the taste a little strong... but the orange flavor is pretty much easier to tolerate if you don't like sour. I like sour.... I have been known to peel grapefruit and lemons and eat them like other people eat oranges.

Ahhh, "energy drinks"....loaded to the gills with sugar and all that.... Fast up, fast thanks. Diabetes in a can.... :evil:

Flavored waters are good....but watch the sodium levels.

Kurbski 11-04-2007 05:55 PM

Skywalker wrote: What is most amazing is that many of the people coming down with Diabetes do not drink sodas with sugar in them. They drink the sugarless "diet sodas".

Never heard of that before and glad you posted it.. Weird thing about it is you would think it's the other way around. Now I wonder how bad the artificial sweetners like splenda are for us as I sit here with my diet pepsi.
I have had 3 sodas today plus water. I am going to try the morning spark you mentioned because I like morning cafeine as well and put splenda in that too. Makes you wonder what's next ? I do like those little flavored packs of green tea you add to bottled water.

unkut2003 11-04-2007 05:57 PM

Hmm.... lemme go grab me a frosty Dr. Pepper and read into this... :lol:

golfhobo 11-04-2007 08:06 PM

My grandfather ate saltcured ham every day of his life, drank coffee with REAL sugar, and smoked at least a pack a day. He died at the ripe old age of 83 while in the hospital for an unrelated issue. He died of a heart attack. Massive and quick. His wife survived him by another 15 years or so.... most of them in dementia. I think it was the cholesterol from the EGGS that got him. Don't know. Don't care. 80ish is good enough for ME!

GOD created sugar, coffee, eggs, ham and red meat! MANKIND created the preservatives, substitutes and pharmaceuticals that many of you eat/take!

I eat a steak at least twice a week while on the road for ENERGY. I drink sodas with real sugar in them. (about 2 per day) I drink 24 oz's of coffee (with minimal sugar) a day for the caffeine. I don't put salt on a meal that I assume has already been salted! I like pepper for taste.

I eat a hamburger when I want one, usually grilled (which loses the fat) and I eat only ONE meal a day, and maybe a Slimfast breakfast bar for an additional 220 calories of what I HOPE is good stuff! Once a week or two, I'll eat a full breakfast with EGGS! Maybe even a few pieces of wheat toast!

Nearly EVERY substitute that MAN has come up with for God's food, has been proven to have health risks! I don't trust them!

I eat salads for "roughage," and ONLY wheat bread when I HAVE to (like on a sub or sandwich.) I RARELY eat a "seconds" plate just because it LOOKS good!

I've been driving for only two years, but when I went to renew my DOT medical card, my blood pressure was lower than it has been in 20 years, and my "body mass" was 4 points below the normal. I have weighed the SAME within 10 pounds for the last 25 years! [Yes.... I eat in truckstops.]

I will NOT "pay" for colored (or flavored) water! I will not use substitutes for sugar. I will not count calories, and I will not take a pill to adjust my body functions. God made me the way I am, and I will DIE when HE is ready. I'm ready anytime he says.... and have been for years.

The trick is to not eat the SAME things all the time, everyday.... and not so MUCH of it! I don't get all that much exercise, and I think my metabolism is just a tiny bit higher than most of yours!

Get your body mass (that's weight to heighth ratio) down to normal, and you can LIVE normally! NO ONE needs three plates of food! If you weigh 300 lbs, and think you NEED to eat that much.... question WHY you are 300 lbs!

I don't trust the government, nor ANY of it's "studies" on what will kill you. Nearly EVERY drug on the market has side affects.... WHY???

IF there IS a God.... which so many of you believe is true.... EAT what he gave you, in moderation, and WORK or exercise your body. You will live as long as you are SUPPOSED to live! Make every day count.... cuz they are numbered, and YOU can't control the number!

And the ONLY thing you can take with you is what you leave behind! Your "legacy." You will be remembered NOT for what you did for yourselves.... but what you did for OTHERS!

IF you have a weight problem.... you have an EATING problem! And it AIN'T God's fault! Drinking a "sugarless" WATER is NOT gonna fix it!

Now... "flame" me if you want! But, make sure you haven't just finished a third plate of pork from the buffet before you do! :roll:

Skywalker 11-04-2007 08:41 PM

GH...the study wasn't government in origin. It was a university/medical study.

I see your points regarding how you live, and while some can, others can't.

I was just pointing out that there are studies out there pointing to things that are not right. What one does with the information is up to them.

In my case, I do have to watch it.... I'm not particularly overweight, especially considering that I quit eating things that I shouldn't. I had gotten into a very sedentary lifestyle....long ago. Being a road salesman is not a real physically taxing job...and driving a truck isn't either.

I just think some people need to be aware of some of the problems with going beyond "moderation" in anything.

mommee 11-04-2007 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
The trick is to not eat the SAME things all the time, everyday.... and not so MUCH of it! I don't get all that much exercise, and I think my metabolism is just a tiny bit higher than most of yours!

Everything in moderation and small portions of it. That's what I go by...

But on flip side of that I have the worst diet of all. My problem is NOT that I eat too much, it's that I probably don't eat enough during the day. I have been consistantly underweight all my life. I think eating is overrated. But I do love "good" foods and my desserts rich and decedant.

Skywalker-you speak wise words.

unkut2003 11-04-2007 08:45 PM

Back in "The Day", haha, kids played in dirt, played tackel football, played with animals, yada yada yada...... but nowadays, its wrong to play ANYWHERE, a kids best friend is a bottle of hand sanatizer, yet America is sicker then ever..... go figure!!!

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