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BanditsCousin 05-07-2007 09:27 PM

What bothers me?

Oh, I dunno, IDIOTS? Like the other day in Nevada I'm cruising 75mph (speed limit) when some knucklehead is darn near kissing my ICC bar, then back off into nowhere. 1/2 hour later he's trying to pass me, and does it at 1mph faster. A little while later another guy from his company must have been doing 90+ past me, then got in front of me (hit the brakes) to be behind his other buddy, and they actually slowed down. That same night I passed a flatbedder doing about 70-71mph, then he passed me not too farther down the road and took him about 6 miles (no joke) then began to pull on me once he did make the pass :roll:

What else bothers me? Licking fingers at buffets. There are napkins available, belive it or not.

Standing too close or next to me at the fuel island. I'm the guy that says "Back off, unless you wanna see whats in my wallet, cuz thats what you're doing!"

Idiots on the CB's...I don't care if you're not wearing panties lol :D

Drivers that chain smoke in game rooms. I smoke, myslef, but I don't smoke inside buildings because I hate 2nd hand smoke. Even if its allowed...I can't stand the smell of smoke while eating, and nobody else (especially smokers) should have to breathe it. Keep in mind, I smoke.

The new HHG Tariff in Jan 1, 08 REALLY really bothers me. Thats why I'm leaving the HHG industry and am on a wait list for enclosed car transport. They want us to start working for free.

Mexican/Polish/Arabic drivers that can't speak the language makes me angry. It holds up the line at the fuel island or wherever. (People get beat up by the cops in Mexico when they speak English to them, ITS TRUE).

The stereotype that young/new drivers are the careless reckless one also bugs me, when 1/2 the time its an older driver (could be new too, for all I know).

The last is those who throw trash out the window. Thats the reason we can't park most places. Oh, and I tell on ya too :wink: I told on a Stevens Transport driver next to the fuel island at Little America the other day who tossed his cereal and yogurt (and corresponding spoons) out his truck door. Laziness is tied to this rant too.

Shall I continue? Is it just me that feels this way?

ssoutlaw 05-07-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Blacksheep

Originally Posted by ssoutlaw

Originally Posted by allan5oh
What I really don't get is the guys that brag about doing 16,000 miles a month, and have been out here for 30+ years.

Why the hell aren't they retired yet? Blow all your money on booze or what?

Some just like to save the money, dont you think??
Some drivers who run less miles and spend all their money on booze and dope!!

Granted their is a lot of assholes out there these days, but booze and dope, really ? :shock:

If you dont think there isnt booze and dope out there, youre living in a fairy tale Dont take that the wrong way!

GMAN 05-07-2007 11:49 PM

Most of the problems I see posted can be attributed to a general lack of manners and common courtesy. If everyone was considerate of others there would be much better out here on the road. Perhaps we could put a positive spin on this by encouraging those with poor manners and a general lack of courtesy to change their ways. Try talking to them in a calm and respectful manner. If all else fails use a bat to encourage them to see it your way. :P :wink:

Ridge Runner 05-08-2007 12:00 AM


If all else fails use a bat to encourage them to see it your way.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

YoungZ.W. 05-08-2007 08:35 PM

1.The local drivers in the area that constantly have conversations over the CB. Why can't they just buy a cell phone?
2. Arrogant and rude drivers at the truckstops. When I go into the TS or am at the fuel island I will see a driver for a company and ask how things are going: are they staying busy,etc...just to make conversation. When you ignore some one or turn and say "don't f^cK!ng talk to me." that is rude and unnecessary.
3.Tailgating :evil: :evil: :evil:

05-08-2007 09:17 PM

Hmmm, what a great thread.

What bugs me about other drivers?

1. The whole "flash you lights when your trailer clears" ritual.

WTF??! Why has this been argued so many fricken times? Are we not professionals? I only flash my lights on and off to an 18 if I'm in my 4-wheeler, because we all know how unpredictable they are.... right? It bothers me that it bothers other drivers if another very briefly blinks his/her brights to signal that they are clear. Are your eyes that sensitive?? I'm no gynecologist :lol: but dude you need to get your eyes checked if that sht bothers you. Grow up already.

2. Fog lights

If there's no fog, just leave 'em off,k?
Problem solved. Damn I'm good.

3. Truck stop etiquette 101

When your done fueling pull forward if at all possible. Do not pull up to a pump and mosey on in to the truck stop. If I see that you pull up to the pumps and run or walk very briskly to the TS with cheeks clinched so tight that they could make a diamond outta a lump of coal... then I will assume that you're having a shtty day/night. Remember boys 'n girls. Taco Bell and trucking don't mix!

When you are shopping for a spot to park in the TS lot, leave your headlights on
:!: We've all seen how fast some of our co-workers like to drive around in the lot, so if I see headlights as I'm preparing to turn the corner, I'll more then likely wait it out. Why do people leave them off, I have curtains in my truck and I use them.

This is painful, but keep your CB on in the TS lot until you're parked. Nuff said? Unless of course you have a really powerful radio, that is. Close your curtains and raise hell on sesame st. if you have nothing better to do (like troll on :lol: )

Don't leave your jakes on high in the TS, dummies :roll:

4. Merging

If I get over in that left hand lane to let you on the big road and you don't let me back over. I'll assume you wanna drag race... BRING IT! :twisted:

There's so many others... why go on? It's this whole "ME FIRST, FCK EVERYONE ELSE!" attitude that bothers me most and unfortunately I can't kill people that have that attitude because I'm afraid of jail (watched too much Oz I guess :? )

BanditsCousin 05-08-2007 11:06 PM

I agree with the above...JAKES IN THE TS.

Orangetxguy 05-09-2007 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by BanditsCousin
What bothers me?

Oh, I dunno, IDIOTS?

What else bothers me? Licking fingers at buffets. There are napkins available, belive it or not.

Idiots on the CB's...I don't care if you're not wearing panties lol :D

Mexican/Polish/Arabic drivers that can't speak the language makes me angry.

The last is those who throw trash out the window. Thats the reason we can't park most places.

Shall I continue? Is it just me that feels this way?

Naaaaaaa Cuz.....It isn't "JUST" you whom feels that way :!: :!: :!:

terrylamar 05-12-2007 09:13 PM

Since this has expanded to any and everything:

Drivers you just have to get by when you are backing and your four-ways are on.

Pissing in the truck stop parking lot.

BBR on the CB.

Old timers who think they know it all, I'm new, and I'm more efficient than a majority of them. Do I know it all, hell no.


People who idle. What's up with all the idling? No wonder states are making it against the law. Nothing is worse than pulling into a nice quite parking place, rolling down your windows to get fresh cool air, turning on some music, a DVD or just suring the net, then some inconsiderate AH parks right next to you and idles all night long. That is why I try to nose in whenever I park.

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