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mmiikkee 12-30-2006 10:17 PM

No one is happy about me being a truck driver
Have you guys experienced this? I don't have a wife or kids, but I have parents and siblings...

I'm going to do what I want, but it is awful to have the people that you love not support you. I understand their concerns (safety), but one cannot live life running from their shadow.

Mackman 12-30-2006 10:25 PM

I never experienced that. My family are all drivers expect for like 3 people. But my girlfriends dad hates me becuase am a (lowlife truckdriver) that what he says. I try not to let it get to me but i can see one day he will get layed out if he keeps his comments up./

rigidsporty 12-30-2006 10:56 PM

Re: No one is happy about me being a truck driver

Originally Posted by mmiikkee
Have you guys experienced this? I don't have a wife or kids, but I have parents and siblings...

I'm going to do what I want, but it is awful to have the people that you love not support you. I understand their concerns (safety), but one cannot live life running from their shadow.

Yes I also have experienced that. My mother was totally against it (and I'm 36 years old!) but your the one that has to live your life, not them. Eventually they'll get used to the idea. Take them for a ride in the truck to show them its not much different then their car (it worked for my mother).

golfhobo 12-30-2006 11:17 PM

Re: No one is happy about me being a truck driver

Originally Posted by mmiikkee
Have you guys experienced this? I don't have a wife or kids, but I have parents and siblings...

I'm going to do what I want, but it is awful to have the people that you love not support you. I understand their concerns (safety), but one cannot live life running from their shadow.

Do you mean "running from your OWN shadow? Or Other's?

I believe one must live life to CREATE their own shadow. My Dad is a minister, and I cannot live life well under HIS shadow.

My Dad, was very surprised when I... a genius of sorts :lol: decided to be a Trucker! He just said that he NEVER would have thought it!

Now... my older "sibling" brother and his wife have joined the fray, and are running as a team! My Dad still laughs at the "improbability" but supports us 100%!!!

Like you, I don't have an "immediate" family. But, my parents have always been closely "memo'd" on what I was doing. Notice, I didn't say "consulted."

Some parents are MORE concerned with how your life will affect THEM, than they are with how it affects YOU. Perhaps, you need to have a Man to Parents talk about WHO's life you are living!

The bottom line is.... it is YOUR life! If YOU are happy and successful, they will eventually come around [except in bizarre cases.]

Try it for awhile, even if they object. In the long run ONE of you will be proven RIGHT! You need to be prepared to be on EITHER side of that result!

-FlyByNight- 12-30-2006 11:40 PM

Darla: Alfalfa, will you swing me before we have lunch?

Alfalfa: Sure, Darla.

Spanky: Say, Romeo. What about your promise to the He-man woman haters club?

Alfalfa: I'm sorry, Spanky. I have to live my own life. :wink:

arky 12-31-2006 12:12 AM

I have the same situation. Mom is starting to come around, the rest of the family accepts it ok, but they just can't believe that I'm doing it. I have a bachelor's degree and 15 years as a tool and die maker under my belt, but I would rather drive a least for now. If at some point I decide that I don't want to drive a truck anymore, I'll do something else. It's that simple for me.

Do what makes you happy, let them figure it out. If your happy with what your doing and keeping your bills paid, they will more than likely admire you for following your some point. But it sounds as though, they will more likely than not, doubt you every step of the way until you prove yourself one way or the other. Don't do anything just to prove a it because this is what you want to do. If you find out you really don't like it, let them be right...then try something else YOU want to do. It's not a matter of who is right or wrong. It's whether YOU like the guy/girl in the mirror...or not.

Good Luck,


Cripplecreek 12-31-2006 12:13 AM

They may not be overwhelmed with joy about your career choice, but don't let be confused with the fact they stiil care about you. After all , you indicated in yuor post they maybe concerned about safety. Maybe thier not happy because they won't see you as much. If it's what you want to do, call them when your OTR and drop a postcard, let them know you are enjoying it and seeing cool places, and that your all right.

Rookie McRookerson 12-31-2006 01:05 AM

I expected that my decision to give up my 25 year career and become an otr driver would not be understood or supported by my extended family and friends.

What most didn't know was that I had been miserable at work and only stuck with it because of family responsibilities and a big mortgage. My wife would not have EVER supported me being away from home.

Well, the way things are working out, my marriage of 29 years is ending. My kids are now grown and on their own. My time is my own. I'm no longer stuck in my job.

I avoided my dad and siblings because they have a history of being very judgmental and I didn't want to hear it. Well, over the holidays I shared my plan to go to truck driving school and become an OTR truck driver. I was pleasantly surprised with their reaction. They were all supportive (at least to my face!). Nobody had a negative comment. My kids think its great that I can now do what I want to do.

Go figure!

I have learned the hard lesson that things and money don't buy happiness. I have had both.

Carolina Reb 12-31-2006 01:21 AM

Must be something about mom's. Mine does not support my decision to be a truck driver either and I'm 40 years old. I don't know if it's because i will be gone all the time,we have always been very close or, the old fashioned side of her saying you can't just leave a secure job that you've had for 18 years just to go run up and down the road,so you are not alone in your lack of support . I guess we all just have to make a decision for ourself and they will have to live with it.

15minutes 12-31-2006 01:41 AM

Go with your have to. Its your life to live, not theirs.

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