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RiverCritter 11-30-2006 11:18 AM

Don't Want to Get Fat!
I know this prob'ly sounds dumb, but how do truckers keep from getting fat? It's hard enough to stay at healthy weight without spending the whole day sitting down.

Are there "trucker's diet" ideas or special exercises that can be done behind the wheel to stay in shape?


GMAN 11-30-2006 11:45 AM

Try to stay away from the buffet's. They are filled with carbohydrates. I find it best to eat from the menu, when I eat at most truck stops. I always try to eat vegetables at least once per day and watch what I eat at other times. It is best to carry some of your own food with you. If you get a small electric cooler/refrigerator you can stop at a grocery store or WalMart and buy food items which you can keep cool. The main thing is to eat in moderation. I get some exercise by pulling a flat bed. Some take along a dumbell for weight training. You can do isometrics or other exercises in the truck. After eating, you can sometimes take a walk. If you do so around the truck stop, be careful. I even see some who take a bicycle with them. 8)

classicxl 11-30-2006 12:05 PM

carry some weight's in your truck either steel or the power bands. Walk or jog around the parking lot or get a fold up bike. Park as far away from the trucks top door. Just do a little exercise and watch what you eat. Fruit and nuts are great for snacks driving down the road

Roadhog 11-30-2006 12:07 PM

RiverCritter....give in to the is your Destiny!!

Farmtruckin 11-30-2006 02:24 PM

Don't wanna get fat? too late!!!! :lol:

Frogman 11-30-2006 05:04 PM

Have you read this?

The # 1 thing to remember is that when it comes to gaining, maintaining or losing weight . . . exercise is only 25% of the equation.

(If that. For example . . . You see a lot of guys huffing and puffing with weights doing curls to build big biceps. Yeah, big biceps may be a chick magnet, but actually, the muscles in your upper body are only 15% of total musculature. Your huge biceps won't do anything for weight control. You'll just be a fat guy with big biceps.)

Your diet is 75% of weight control. Focus on that.

Jackrabbit379 11-30-2006 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by roadhog

RiverCritter....give in to the is your Destiny!!

hehehe hahaha hooooo :lol: :P

dle 11-30-2006 05:39 PM

Couple of ideas,

Pack your own food.
Park away from the truck stop (rest areas, or on the back rows at the truck stop).
Limit your trips to truck stop food lines to maybe 2-3 times a week.
Learn when to push :D instead of keeping on pulling :lol: (if you know what i mean).

evertruckerr 11-30-2006 11:18 PM

Your going to be spending allot of time sitting in a drivers seat and not burning any calories. The three meal a day thing is out, your body simply doesn't need the calories. I usually eat one light meal a day and have a frig in the truck filled with healthy things to snack on. Things like fruits, vegies, sliced lunch meat and anything else that looks good to you just so your stomach has something to work on. I've managed to maintain my slender frame this way :roll: I also try to get at least a mile walk in everyday when I stop for the day. It's doesn't take long and helps unwind, especially after dealing with a day in heavy traffic. Anything to stretch out the legs.

Super 8 12-01-2006 01:36 AM

I used to weigh 70lbs more than I do now. Ironically, that was before I took up trucking. It took me 3 years to lose that weight. I did it mostly through exercise to raise my metabolism, but also through some changes in my diet. One thing to remember: it comes on a lot easier than it comes off.

You have to watch what you eat. This is very difficult because there are a lot of tasty choices out there, and a lot of times when you finally get a chance to pull over and eat you are really hungry and are more likely to over indulge.

Keep food with you. I always keep apples handy for a snack while driving. I also enjoy Atkins Advantage shakes. You can get them at Walmart, and they're good with a meal or for taking the edge off when you're hungry. South Beach Diet meal replacement bars are also good, and you can find them at any Walmart.

Water is always your friend.

Watch your portions. Resturants serve larger portions than your really need to eat.

I try to avoid truckstops when I park for the night. I prefer finding malls or stores where I can get away with parking for the night. Most of the truckstops I've been to are isolated, whereas malls are located in areas with sidewalks in towns. You can find places to walk and get some exercise. I walk at every opportunity.

I get home every weekend and I take advantage of that time to exercise as much as I can. I walk everywhere, and I workout both days.

It can be an uphill battle to drive professionally and still keep fit. Some people can do it, others will struggle. Ultimately, remember that your health and your family come before your job. Jobs can always be replaced.

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