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choperbob 10-19-2006 07:21 PM

job search
uhh, besides filling out those impersonal apps. is there a way/site to introduce myself and explain what i want and am willing to offer a possible boss/trucking company i am tired of calling and all the bullsh*t from recruiters. it seems like there ought to be a way to state what we expect and need and what we are willing to give an employer, what we are willing to settle for and what they are willing to offer. this site has some good leads but all the info in most companies is outdated by several years. i can stay where i am at or go to many other companies i have contacted, but we ought to have a better system of job search. i am a rookie but maybe someone can tell me a better way of finding a match in this industry.

Angel 10-22-2006 09:57 AM

You find out let me know cause reading all the fine print gets very old . One of the Best services is on CAD just go to truck driving job search it helps sometimes least you can pick n chose who you want to send an app out too .Oh and one more thing Don't give JB Hunt your phone number cause they call constantly and each recruiter will tell you a different story I know Hubby is a driver and applied to them and gave them our home number never do that if your married cause it can cause trouble big trouble here is why , They call all the time every day many times a day sometimes back to back calls my god I swear some days I think I'm on a personal relationship with this company last one that called I told him to hang on I left the phone in the toilet for an hour I think he finally hung up after 30 minutes :twisted: They will Drive you bonkerssssssss. You can even tell them what the other recruiter just told you not 5 minutes ago and it's like it don't click with them you have actually already talked to 5 of their recruiters in one day :evil:

choperbob 10-24-2006 04:56 PM

tried several of cad listings. some companies i am interested in are not on their list. i have decided what i need from a company and what i am willing to put up from them in return, just finding the match is hard. i look for trucks from certain companies and check out the condition and cleanliness of them, i also talk to lots of drivers. seems like western express has beat out arrow by a long shot. sorry arrow. jb was not a real contender i just wanted feedback from their drivers.

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