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nrvsreck 10-02-2006 01:36 AM

Who to list as my last supervisor???
I'm thinking of moving from my current company to Maverick. I used to work for TMC a few years ago. What I'm wondering is who exactly do I list as my supervisor at TMC? My last dispatcher? My safety guy? Tim Annett? :lol: For all I know my last dispatcher may not even be there anymore. And Pat Barr, the safety guy, ...well I don't know if he's the best candidate. I never much cared for him actually...

Yanke_driver 10-02-2006 01:40 AM

Your best bet IMO, would be to use either your dispatcher or your fleet managar at the time. You could always call the company and ask if so and so (dispatcher's name) is in today or not. It would be best to use the person you had the closest working relationship with

PackRatTDI 10-02-2006 01:45 AM

I always used the fleet manager I had at the time. Hell, I don't even know if she still works there, lol. :lol:

nrvsreck 10-02-2006 03:36 AM

Hmm... See, I never understood what the difference was between Fleet Manager and Dispatcher. Just like in plumbing, I'm sure there are multiple levels that :dung: travels through before it gets to the driver, but I always figured my dispatcher was my ultimate supervisor, since he dealt with me on a day to day basis. But, I haven't talked to anyone at TMC in some time except for a recruiter a month or so ago and one of my old dispatchers a couple of years ago. I guess I could call and find out who's there and who's not. 8)

Uturn2001 10-02-2006 08:34 PM

At most companies a Fleet Manager is just a fancy term for dispatcher.

LOAD IT 10-03-2006 02:44 AM

Re: Who to list as my last supervisor???

Originally Posted by nrvsreck:
I'm thinking of moving from my current company to Maverick. I used to work for TMC a few years ago. What I'm wondering is who exactly do I list as my supervisor at TMC? My last dispatcher? My safety guy? Tim Annett? :lol: For all I know my last dispatcher may not even be there anymore. And Pat Barr, the safety guy, ...well I don't know if he's the best candidate. I never much cared for him actually...

Just put Human Resources or Personnel. The new job is only going to verify your dates of employment and the old company isnt going to say anything bad or good about you. These days, they just want to know if you worked where you said you worked.

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