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Tichenor502 09-01-2006 02:59 PM

How to find trucking jobs that accept felons
What up board i am in a major delima i have had my cdl since 2002.I finished the truck driving school in november of that year but didn't go out over the road to get any experience because i knew that i had a charge pending from 2000.Well they convicted me of a drug trafficking charge in march of 2004 in which i went down for 2yrs for that charge and was released in march of 2006.Fellow truckers since march of this year it has been a seesaw of events.I have drove for a little company over the last three months but i would like 2 either get my own truck or get on wit a nice company 2 where i can make some real money.which way should i go or if any truckers out there that knows of any trucking companys out there willing to give a good trucker a second chance please hit me up at [email protected] and no a didnt commit my crime in the a truck thanks

GMAN 09-01-2006 03:25 PM

You should probably stay where you are, at least until you can get a couple of years experience. Some carrier's will give a felon a second chance after 5 or more years have passed. You can check the company listings for current requirements for some of the larger carrier's. Most will look at the felony conviction the same, whether you are a company driver or owner operator. The major problem you will have with the larger carrier's is that your conviction was drug related. I may not make much difference whether it was in a commercial vehicle or not. You were convicted for trafficing in drugs. You may want to contact some of the recruiters on this forum. They could best answer this question. Bluebettle, Twilight Flyer and Scoe are all recruiters. There are others on the board. Good luck.

toner 09-01-2006 04:22 PM

a drug related felony in the past 2 years, 2 years in jail, and only 3 months of driving experience? if you have a job now keep it, i don't think any major carriers would be able to hire you. doesn't matter if you were trafficking the drugs in a truck, a car, or a little red wagon.

Sheepdancer 09-01-2006 04:31 PM

I couldnt ever hire ya. I would stay where you are. I think some of the moving companies will hire felons.

I actually talked to a driver yesterday who had a drug felony. He was making 11 cpm and that was the only job he could find. I am amazed that he was still in the business. At 11 cpm he could make better money in fast food.

uglymutt 09-01-2006 06:08 PM

sure has been alot of felons out here, what do they have CDL Truck Driver Training in prisons now ??????

street_95 09-01-2006 06:17 PM


Originally Posted by uglymutt
sure has been alot of felons out here, what do they have CDL Truck Driver Training in prisons now ??????


uglymutt 09-01-2006 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by street_95

Originally Posted by uglymutt
sure has been alot of felons out here, what do they have CDL Truck Driver Training in prisons now ??????

im a felon, i have never seen a :rock:

R U Driving ???? if so then tell all of your brother felons out here who your driving for and how to sign up.....

street_95 09-01-2006 07:14 PM


toner 09-01-2006 07:23 PM

if you shoplift anything in the state of indiana, it's a felony charge. (per the wikipedia entry on "shoplifting" i was reading earlier today). in vermont anything over $100 is a felony.

uglymutt 09-01-2006 07:35 PM


Originally Posted by street_95

Originally Posted by uglymutt

Originally Posted by street_95

Originally Posted by uglymutt
sure has been alot of felons out here, what do they have CDL Truck Driver Training in prisons now ??????

im a felon, i have never seen a :rock:

R U Driving ???? if so then tell all of your brother felons out here who your driving for and how to sign up.....

I cant speak for all felons, mine was not violent, not drug or alcohol related, not any theft or burglary or robbery.
Different companies have different policies and as long as its not any of the above or older then 10 years, most will hire you.

what no violence or drugs or theft, hmmmmm what esle is left to do????? that would end up a felony, has to be something bad.....

Sheepdancer 09-01-2006 07:36 PM

I think any shoplifting should be a felony in all states

09-01-2006 08:08 PM

I say keep trying and don't give up. Maybe write some letters to your Congressman and Senators. I've also been told to not try and give up in other matters and I kept going. Sometimes I didn't quite get what I wanted but got close enough. Talk to your probation officer and write a letter or two to a judge. We all screw up, I did when I was younger, I was just lucky, I didn't get caught.

MADLUX 09-01-2006 10:25 PM

Hey ugly mutt, nothing personal, but what the heck is with all the negitive posts lately?

street_95 09-01-2006 10:35 PM


Tichenor502 09-04-2006 05:01 PM

A i got good feedback off this question.Yeah its going to be negative people everywhere but only the strong survive.I have learned over time that you have to work hard for the things that you want in life yeah i made a mistake or two but i paid my dues for theam and to be frank i am ashamed that i was even wrapped up in all that mess.But i will tell all you fellow truckers who try to look down on people like myself that if you knew of a way to make 10 to 40 grand a week you all would of made the sam damn mistake that i did if your not now.I bet you this if you talk to me in person or would even see me you wouldn't have a damn clue.Hell ill purchase my own and have a bunch of you so called SUPER TRUCKERS working for me :lol: I will keep you all posted

Tichenor502 09-04-2006 05:09 PM


Originally Posted by SteveBooth
I say keep trying and don't give up. Maybe write some letters to your Congressman and Senators. I've also been told to not try and give up in other matters and I kept going. Sometimes I didn't quite get what I wanted but got close enough. Talk to your probation officer and write a letter or two to a judge. We all screw up, I did when I was younger, I was just lucky, I didn't get caught.

A man you r a real dude i have been reading alot of your follow ups keep me up to date on how you are doing wit your NEW PROJECT it seems like i will have to go down that same path you feel me lol

headset 09-04-2006 05:31 PM


Originally Posted by MADLUX
Hey ugly mutt, nothing personal, but what the heck is with all the negitive posts lately?

I guess he's perfect now.

Indianaguy1977 09-05-2006 10:31 PM

cant people get another chance
I been out of prison for 5 years now. i had a burglary charge. just stupid teenage crap. while i was locked up i got my ged a college associate degree. Since being out i never have even saw a cop. I never had nothing violent just made some bad choices why should i be discriminated against. lol If i go through the troubkle paying for training and what not why would i commit a crime? I have hope though theres always a way.

Tichenor502 09-07-2006 03:37 AM

Re: cant people get another chance

Originally Posted by Indianaguy1977
I been out of prison for 5 years now. i had a burglary charge. just stupid teenage crap. while i was locked up i got my ged a college associate degree. Since being out i never have even saw a cop. I never had nothing violent just made some bad choices why should i be discriminated against. lol If i go through the troubkle paying for training and what not why would i commit a crime? I have hope though theres always a way.

A my brotha you said that you have been out for five years right?I don't know where you are from but where i am from they have a program that is called the W.I.A program here and if your felony is more thn five years old they will pay for you trucking school i know this for a fact because i have a brother and a cousin going thru the program right now always remember when there is a will there is always a way as long as you let GOD take the lead he will never lead you wrong REAL TALK

MichiganBlonde38 09-07-2006 05:26 AM


Originally Posted by uglymutt
sure has been alot of felons out here, what do they have CDL Truck Driver Training in prisons now ??????

Uglymutt what is your problem? You have no idea what the circumstance is... Nowadays there are ALOT of things that are concidered Felonies which shouldn't be. And no matter what the charge is, people DO CHANGE.... If you don't have anything positive to say then why even bother opening your mouth? I don't think anyone on this board enjoys all your negative comments. So do us all a favor and keep them to yourself. :)

There are several companies out there that will hire felons. The time requirements vary from company to compnay... I have seen it anywhere from 3-15 yrs... And just for the record... No I'm not a felon... :wink:

Indianaguy1977 09-07-2006 09:19 AM

hey uk
For the wia i owe a grant i got from college like 1500 would that hurt me?

Tichenor502 09-07-2006 01:06 PM

Re: hey uk

Originally Posted by Indianaguy1977
For the wia i owe a grant i got from college like 1500 would that hurt me?

Naw man i don't think that it would effect you at all just check it out or call a trucking school nearst you and they should know what you are talking about and they should be able to point you in the right direction

Indianaguy1977 09-07-2006 08:16 PM

Man i want ot be a trucker so bad. Like though if trucking isnt for me i will still have my cdl and could drive somthing diffrent htat requires cdl's. I just got to get rid off the small fear of driving a semi since i neve have before shouldnt be that hard. The safty and the safe driving is prolly most important.

hoosierdaddy 09-08-2006 09:37 PM

So a convicted felon can get truck driving school paid for after five years? But a person with no criminal record can ever hope to get a hand up and not a hand out? What is this world coming to?

MichiganBlonde38 09-08-2006 09:41 PM


Originally Posted by hoosierdaddy
So a convicted felon can get truck driving school paid for after five years? But a person with no criminal record can ever hope to get a hand up and not a hand out? What is this world coming to?

Welcome to America :?

Sheepdancer 09-08-2006 09:45 PM

So i guess what you are saying Hooser is crime pays?.....go figure.
As far as Indiana.....I dont think the burglary charge will hold you back too much. Its non violent and non drug related. One problem that might. When companies say no felonies for the last 5 years or whenever....they mean 5 years from the last prison time, probation or parole. So if you just got out of prison 5 years ago and you had another 5 years of parole it would still be another 5 years before a lot of places would hire you

GMAN 09-08-2006 09:50 PM

I thought that these companies would look at the date of conviction. I suppose they want to see that you are serious about turning your life around. :?

09-08-2006 09:55 PM

A lot of those rules I'm sure are company policies. I wouldn't be surprised if putting on some Dockers, button down shirt and a short haircut and shave would increase your chances if you got the chance to get an interview. Sometimes putting your best foot forward goes a long way.

Indianaguy1977 09-09-2006 10:07 AM


So a convicted felon can get truck driving school paid for after five years? But a person with no criminal record can ever hope to get a hand up and not a hand out? What is this world coming to?
So your saying people that has made mistakes are inferior to thoughs that haven't? I never did anything to hurt anyone never wanted to. Just at one part of my life i didn't care about myself or what I did? Everyone in the world has done something wrong I just got caught. And you know what I'm glad I did because if I didn't I prolly would of did something worse or been dead right now. Not many people get out and stay out especially after 5 years. If being a criminal is a disease I would of been back in jail(excluding sexual crimes which i believe to be a disease, and to a less effect drug addiction and alcohol addiction which is a different issue to me) Unless the drug addiction and alcohol offense involved a serious crime like murder or what not,But if its just use of drugs and alcohol I believe prison time shouldn't be a issue,(Its easy to get drugs in jail and prisons) Sorry kinda went off topic there.
Its not a hand out If the person uses it to better his or her life. I can understand If the person uses it for ill gains. But i have met people who never spent a day in jail and are worse than people I have met in my time in prison.
I Knew a guy who was at the end of a 15 year sentence. He was in the because he seriously attacked the person that molested his kid, He walked in on the act happening. 15 years of his life wasted. Sorry but i wouldn't of just beat the dude harming my kid.
But i can also see your point to, But there is always a way. I tryed to go to school in 2002 but my financial aid fell through i was even at the school for almost a week before they told me. And its still a long shot for me now. Most applications ask the date of the conviction for me its 10 years not 5.
I made the best of my prison time. I got my GED and a associate degree while i was in there i didn't sit there idle. They even offer prison time cuts for getting a college degree. I didn't get that because by the time i got my degree i had one month left and it takes about a month for the time cut to take affect. I knew this before i started. I didn't do it for the time cut i did it for the better of myself. And they do offer the same grants even for thous not locked up. As long as you didn't have a drug trafficking charge.
Though i admit most people get out and go back to a life of waste which hurts people like me that want to just live my life and raise my daughter and just have fun doing it.[/quote]

hoosierdaddy 09-09-2006 05:08 PM

IndianaGuy said: "So your saying people that has made mistakes are inferior to thoughs that haven't?"

No, I'm not saying that at all. I'm sorry if you got that impression. What I meant was (and I know it's not a hand up) that "I" couldn't access truck driving school through unemployment insurance (like I had the right to) and they told me they don't give handouts. I wasn't asking for a handout. I was asking for a hand up, which I was entitled to due to our laws. But they said that I had a job to go back to when I was laid off, so I couldn't get it. Never mind the fact that my job is not one that one can live off of and I get laid off a couple times a year. That was my point; I can't get that help but someone with a criminal record can.

Someone said "Welcome to America". :lol:

Indianaguy1977 09-09-2006 05:47 PM

I understand man it should be fair game across the board, Indiana is like so many years behind everyone else. They talk about unemployment being high but dont want to do anything about it.
But shouldnt they have money since they leased the toll roads to a out of state(or country) buisness?
Like in my case where its hard to find emplyment because of a felony conviction. They should make like a certain tax like every felon has to pay like $1.00 for every hour and have that money go into the school system or unemployment grants. Tus it would give buisnesses the incentive to hire and plus money would be going to good a cause. But nothing like that would ever happen. because it would benift the lower class and not the "high society." Sorry if i took what ya said the wrong way.

S_Cargo 09-09-2006 07:49 PM

WIA Talk
In response to the comments shared pertaining to the WIA program, I went thru the WIA program last year (one month removed from prison) while I was still in Texas. There was no time requirement imposed to participate in the program. The WIA's purpose is place people in a position (thru schooling of some sort) to get jobs in the occupations the Department of Labor has determined to be "critical".
Truck driving is a "critical" field right now so that is one plus for you getting help thru the WIA.
Next, you will have to be able to get a job in the area you seek WIA assistance and work in that field for a certain period of time. You will have to show a "need" to qualify for WIA assistance. That "need" will certainly factor in your current income. If your WIA representative is not convinced your criminal background will not prevent you from getting a CDL-driving job, you may not get approval from that particular source.
Having the right information is key to making the best decision(s) possible, especially when you have obstacles to overcome.
Good luck with your plan(s).

Tichenor502 09-13-2006 04:44 AM

Hey what up ladies and gents i told you all that i would keep you all posted on my progress.Yes i found a company that was willing to over look my bad choices from back in the day.I have to report there on the 19th of september she the recruiter told me that i will be going over a orinetation for a few days and to pack me a bag and be ready to run that following friday or monday.I KNOW THAT THERE IS GOING TO BE A PRICE TO PAY FOR THEAM TAKING A CHANCE ON ME SHIT THEY WILL PROBABLY RUN ME LIKE A WILD DEER LOL!!!!!!!I don't mind tho im just glad to be getting my feet in the door.To all you super truckers that said that it would be merely impossiable trust me you have to believe to achieve

street_95 09-13-2006 04:53 AM


Originally Posted by Tichenor502
Hey what up ladies and gents i told you all that i would keep you all posted on my progress.Yes i found a company that was willing to over look my bad choices from back in the day.I have to report there on the 19th of september she the recruiter told me that i will be going over a orinetation for a few days and to pack me a bag and be ready to run that following friday or monday.I KNOW THAT THERE IS GOING TO BE A PRICE TO PAY FOR THEAM TAKING A CHANCE ON ME $&!+ THEY WILL PROBABLY RUN ME LIKE A WILD DEER LOL!!!!!!!I don't mind tho im just glad to be getting my feet in the door.To all you super truckers that said that it would be merely impossiable trust me you have to believe to achieve

how about a company name? :P

Tichenor502 09-13-2006 05:05 AM


Originally Posted by street_95

Originally Posted by Tichenor502
Hey what up ladies and gents i told you all that i would keep you all posted on my progress.Yes i found a company that was willing to over look my bad choices from back in the day.I have to report there on the 19th of september she the recruiter told me that i will be going over a orinetation for a few days and to pack me a bag and be ready to run that following friday or monday.I KNOW THAT THERE IS GOING TO BE A PRICE TO PAY FOR THEAM TAKING A CHANCE ON ME $&!+ THEY WILL PROBABLY RUN ME LIKE A WILD DEER LOL!!!!!!!I don't mind tho im just glad to be getting my feet in the door.To all you super truckers that said that it would be merely impossiable trust me you have to believe to achieve

Now why would i tell that later on maybe but not now

how about a company name? :P

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