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benny the deuce 08-30-2006 06:53 AM

My uncle told me to watch out for lizards.., so I have a few questions..maybe somebody could answer them!

#1. Do these lizards only live in desert areas?, all the lizards I see at the zoo seem to have come from hot areas

#2. He said to find a lizard, go to the back of the lot where it is dark (they do not like light?)

#3. Could you catch one of these lizards and keep them as a pet if your company allows pets in the truck?

#4. If you did catch one and keep it for a pet will it require special handling or a cage, or can you just let it run around in the truck?

#5. Where would be the best place to catch one of these lizards?

#6. Does a lizard sleep during the day and stay up all night?

#7. If I bought one of these lizards how much would they cost?

#8. My wife does not like "crawly things", would a lizard count as one of those??

#9. Would it play nice with kids, or try and bite them?

Thanks for the info!

remember a friend will bail you out of jail,
a buddy will be sitting right next to you saying "man was that fun or what!"

Goin Fer It 08-30-2006 07:05 AM

Please check your mail!

Goin Fer It's Wife

happyhookin 08-30-2006 07:48 AM

Possesion of more than one lizard requires a license.

Possesion af a lizard AND a wife requires a hazmat endorsement.

choperbob 08-30-2006 10:17 AM

handeling a lizard requires a special rubberized suit. remember they carry germs and viruses that are especially harmful to normal relationships. sometimes they are knowen to eat credit cards and loose cash. usually they require special drugs that are illegal in the trucking industry . drugs are necessary to them to just perform the basic reproductive actions, and pray that no reproduction happens. otherwise they make wonderfull pets. alas my better half will not let me have one. everytime i mention it she wants to come out in the truck for a few weeks with me.

PackRatTDI 08-30-2006 03:49 PM

My cats like to catch and eat lizards. They also bag a pigeon or two.

lifespalette 08-31-2006 01:38 AM


Originally Posted by benny the deuce:
My uncle told me to watch out for lizards.., so I have a few questions..maybe somebody could answer them!

#1. Do these lizards only live in desert areas?, all the lizards I see at the zoo seem to have come from hot areas You have lived a very protected life.... lizards are very adaptable and have moved just about everywhere, all though the prefer the natural habitat of poor run down sections of most urban areas you can find more of the exotic ones in suburbia, however these are mostly well kept and are very expensive to keep.

#2. He said to find a lizard, go to the back of the lot where it is dark (they do not like light?) This is true, almost like vampires, however, you can try the age old bait trick by placing a $20 bill under your wiper blades. This is usually very successful, however, you may run into trouble with the wildlife officers in the fact that baiting is legal in most areas, unless you're going for nerds where a computer is quit legal to leave in front of your truck.

#3. Could you catch one of these lizards and keep them as a pet if your company allows pets in the truck? That will depend on your company, but I have seen some (very high priced ones), that do take to choker collars and leash with much training.

#4. If you did catch one and keep it for a pet will it require special handling or a cage, or can you just let it run around in the truck?I would recommend restraints for your lizard, they tend to like to letting them run around the truck, that might not be safe, especially if they were to jump in your lap while driving, you might miss a gear or get in it the wrong hole.....besides they tend to shed their outter coverings quit often.

#5. Where would be the best place to catch one of these lizards? Usually, if you just lie very still in your bunk pretending to be asleep, they will come to you.......why make it harder than it has to be.......a smart hunter always lets the prey come to him.

#6. Does a lizard sleep during the day and stay up all night? it just depends on how you train them........but for the most part, yes.

#7. If I bought one of these lizards how much would they cost? If you have to ask, you can't affort one.

#8. My wife does not like "crawly things", would a lizard count as one of those?? It depends.........there have been instances where the wife has taken ownership of the lizard for her very own and never lets the husband play with the lizard every again..........which is usually followed by a sudden decrease in the checking account and savings account followed by a knock on the door with some guy handing you papers that pertain to the freedom of said wife and lizard.

#9. Would it play nice with kids, or try and bite them? Lizards have been known to be very good with children, especially the male children.... and have been known to teach the female children lizard ways......

Thanks for the info!

remember a friend will bail you out of jail,
a buddy will be sitting right next to you saying "man was that fun or what!"

benny the deuce 09-01-2006 06:52 PM

gee i did not realize these lizards can be such complicated creatures.
there seems to be several things to watch out for!

My uncle told me trolling for them is kinda fun as well, he said to take a $20 bill and tie to a string and then let the string out about 20 feet behind you and then run around the parking lot. He said these lizards will actually fight over the "bait".

He also said a cb radio can work to attract them, but not quite sure how that would work???

Skywalker 09-03-2006 08:20 PM

"lifespallette".....That was really good!!

mojoblues 10-06-2006 06:30 AM

Curious about those Lizards
I just read here about these so called Lizards...sound interesting but I have never seen one
I drive from Chicago to Florida every week. I pass threw Nashville, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville etc
sometimes I go to Boston and then back to Chicago
what truck stops can you usually have them?

10-06-2006 07:46 AM

Re: Curious about those Lizards

Originally Posted by mojoblues:
I just read here about these so called Lizards...sound interesting but I have never seen one
I drive from Chicago to Florida every week. I pass threw Nashville, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville etc
sometimes I go to Boston and then back to Chicago
what truck stops can you usually have them?

I've seen them in most truck stops. From what I understand, they dress in police uniforms for safety and are usually accompanied by a male, also dressed in a police uniform. He's the pimp and security for her. These lizards are the real professionals and protect themselves by not approaching you. You need to initiate the contact with her like, "Hey, how about coming into my cab and doing me". Something along those lines.

Good luck hunting.

kc0iv 10-06-2006 12:09 PM

Re: Curious about those Lizards

Originally Posted by SteveBooth:

I've seen them in most truck stops. From what I understand, they dress in police uniforms for safety and are usually accompanied by a male, also dressed in a police uniform. He's the pimp and security for her. These lizards are the real professionals and protect themselves by not approaching you. You need to initiate the contact with her like, "Hey, how about coming into my cab and doing me". Something along those lines.

Good luck hunting.

That sure isn't the way I've seen them operate. I had one in Dallas jump on the running board as I was entering the truck stop. I don't know how many times I've been sleeping and got the knock on the door.

Only time I saw cops was when there was a decoy working.


Big John 10-08-2006 08:06 AM

Originally Posted by :
My uncle told me to watch out for lizards.., so I have a few questions..maybe somebody could answer them!

#1. Do these lizards only live in desert areas?, all the lizards I see at the zoo seem to have come from hot areas You have lived a very protected life.... lizards are very adaptable and have moved just about everywhere, all though the prefer the natural habitat of poor run down sections of most urban areas you can find more of the exotic ones in suburbia, however these are mostly well kept and are very expensive to keep.

#2. He said to find a lizard, go to the back of the lot where it is dark (they do not like light?) This is true, almost like vampires, however, you can try the age old bait trick by placing a $20 bill under your wiper blades. This is usually very successful, however, you may run into trouble with the wildlife officers in the fact that baiting is legal in most areas, unless you're going for nerds where a computer is quit legal to leave in front of your truck.

#3. Could you catch one of these lizards and keep them as a pet if your company allows pets in the truck? That will depend on your company, but I have seen some (very high priced ones), that do take to choker collars and leash with much training.

#4. If you did catch one and keep it for a pet will it require special handling or a cage, or can you just let it run around in the truck?I would recommend restraints for your lizard, they tend to like to letting them run around the truck, that might not be safe, especially if they were to jump in your lap while driving, you might miss a gear or get in it the wrong hole.....besides they tend to shed their outter coverings quit often.

#5. Where would be the best place to catch one of these lizards? Usually, if you just lie very still in your bunk pretending to be asleep, they will come to you.......why make it harder than it has to be.......a smart hunter always lets the prey come to him.

#6. Does a lizard sleep during the day and stay up all night? it just depends on how you train them........but for the most part, yes.

#7. If I bought one of these lizards how much would they cost? If you have to ask, you can't affort one.

#8. My wife does not like "crawly things", would a lizard count as one of those?? It depends.........there have been instances where the wife has taken ownership of the lizard for her very own and never lets the husband play with the lizard every again..........which is usually followed by a sudden decrease in the checking account and savings account followed by a knock on the door with some guy handing you papers that pertain to the freedom of said wife and lizard.

#9. Would it play nice with kids, or try and bite them? Lizards have been known to be very good with children, especially the male children.... and have been known to teach the female children lizard ways......

Thanks for the info!

That is some funny $h!t :lol: :lol: :lol:

benny the deuce 07-16-2008 10:07 AM

been getting pretty good at lizard baiting, just can't seem to catch one...will keep trying!

carlos64030 07-16-2008 02:49 PM

Re: Curious about those Lizards

Originally Posted by SteveBooth:

Originally Posted by mojoblues:
I just read here about these so called Lizards...sound interesting but I have never seen one
I drive from Chicago to Florida every week. I pass threw Nashville, Atlanta, Tampa, Orlando, Jacksonville etc
sometimes I go to Boston and then back to Chicago
what truck stops can you usually have them?

I've seen them in most truck stops. From what I understand, they dress in police uniforms for safety and are usually accompanied by a male, also dressed in a police uniform. He's the pimp and security for her. These lizards are the real professionals and protect themselves by not approaching you. You need to initiate the contact with her like, "Hey, how about coming into my cab and doing me". Something along those lines.

Good luck hunting.

classB 07-16-2008 07:40 PM

What is the growing rate for a lizard?

Has rising gas prices caused the price of lizards to go up?

Has anyone taken a lizard home, or is it best to return them to the same spot they were found?

vavega 07-16-2008 08:29 PM

benny, once you catch your lizard, see how far it can open it's mouth and check out it's tongue. :shock: some of them are forked and aren't as good. :lol:

golfhobo 07-16-2008 09:39 PM

Re: update

Originally Posted by benny the deuce:
been getting pretty good at lizard baiting, just can't seem to catch one...will keep trying!

Um.... you got any MIRRORS on that truck? Just sayin'!! :lol:

Even LIZARDS have standards! :roll:

And I agree that Lifespallete's response should be a STICKY for all newbies! :lol: Good job!

Hey, PACKRAT!! Where ya been? I thought maybe you'd been abducted down there in "Alien land!" :lol: :wink:

golfhobo 07-17-2008 04:48 PM

Ooops!! GOTTA remember to check those Posting dates!! :oops: :lol:

Anybody know what happened to PackRat??

clawHAMMER 07-17-2008 11:25 PM

:rock: hilarious! What a great thread, even 2 yrs after it was originated it had some great answers that made me chuckle out loud. :lol:

classB 07-18-2008 01:42 PM

Do lizards come out every night, or mostly on weeknights, or weekends?

How much do lizards cost?

benny the deuce 07-19-2008 06:48 PM

new species of lizard?
after following your advise I have spent quite a lot of time watching for lizards. I seem to see them mostly in truck stops, with the Denver T/A being a prime gathering area!. Here I recently saw several types of lizards. I did some research and found scientific names for most of them!
#1. Scankystinky lizard #2. The oozingmouthsore lizard #3.The chunkymonkey waddling lizard #4. And even a toothless lizard!!

BUT I found one that I think was a chamelon and not a lizard for it appeared as a female and some times and a male at was that a changing lizard or a cameleon???

Rokk 07-20-2008 02:17 AM

Only approach lizards at your own risk, entertainment purposes not advised.

Syncrosonix 07-20-2008 03:40 PM

a big melting pot for lizards is amarillo, texas. once the sun goes down, sit in your cab, and they'll come to you. sometimes they're wearing only a thong and some sandles, or high heels! :shock:

fruitloop 07-26-2008 10:05 PM

That's just tooo funny
I drive whenever and go where ever and with ... giggles

jonp 07-27-2008 10:42 AM

Having a degree in Biology I thought that I knew something about lizards as one of my college classes dealt with them. Imagine my surprise when I saw one in Chicago last winter scurrying all over the truckstop seemingly indifferent to the weather! And here I thought that lizards went into hibernation in the winter. Just shows you that teachers dont know everything or maybe I discovered a new species. I should name them. Lets see....Lotis lizardus...Shortimeus newfriendicus...hmmm

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