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Dany_Bill 10-25-2009 02:37 AM

Any vegetarian or vegans here? How do you do it?
How do you manange to eat good on the road?

dieselgrl 11-24-2009 02:15 PM

This is somewhat of an older thread, but I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian.

I don't have a lot of answers for you, because I went veg AFTER I came off the road the last time, and now that I'm going back out, I'm struggling on how to keep my diet once I'm thrust back into the land of fast food and meat filled buffets. When I worked in house, we did have a few drivers come in requesting vegetarian meals at orientation, and I wish I had asked them how they do it. If I figure it out, I'll let you know ;)

geeshock 11-24-2009 02:44 PM


Originally Posted by tndieselgrl (Post 468488)
This is somewhat of an older thread, but I'm lacto-ovo vegetarian.

I don't have a lot of answers for you, because I went veg AFTER I came off the road the last time, and now that I'm going back out, I'm struggling on how to keep my diet once I'm thrust back into the land of fast food and meat filled buffets. When I worked in house, we did have a few drivers come in requesting vegetarian meals at orientation, and I wish I had asked them how they do it. If I figure it out, I'll let you know ;)

salad bar, and you have some non-meat breakfasts like cereal so, the choices are out there, just have to look for them.

dieselgrl 11-24-2009 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by geeshock (Post 468491)
salad bar, and you have some non-meat breakfasts like cereal so, the choices are out there, just have to look for them.

Yeah, but when was the last time you lived off of salad and cereal? :rofl: There *are* options, but they're not great. I suspect I'll end up carrying a good deal of my own food with me, but then, even when I ate meat I did that anyway.

geeshock 11-25-2009 03:06 AM

thats a good choice, even at the buffet there are option but yes, getting your proteins are going to be tough. I'm not pure veg. but I try and stay away from pork, since the navy turned me off to chicken I can't eat that, and beef, that's not good for my already clogged arteries, I'm glad to see some of those chains selling grilled or baked fish finally. I will eat fish. Usually I kept a multi vitamin with me just to be safe.

vavega 11-27-2009 11:00 PM

i'm not vegan but i lean thataways ;)

a good quick breakfast is to slather some peanut butter on a slice of whole grain bread and then wrap it around a banana. nothing needs to be refrigerated, and if you get pepperidge farm 100% whole grain it has 5 grams of protein in a slice. and if your blood pressure is on the high side, the banana is a good source of potassium. :)

rigidsporty 02-19-2010 12:21 AM

I eat a lot of veggies... usually on my cheeseburger.

Sunshine Driver 11-08-2010 08:42 PM

Been a vegetarian most of my life. Tried the vegan thing for about a year. I usually lose weight when I am away from home for any length of time.

JackSwagger 04-19-2011 06:55 AM

I like to be vegan when on the road, and i not feel comfortable eating non-veg, the reason is mystery for me till now, i eat fruits and some dry nuts.

KateL 11-28-2011 02:29 AM

There are many vegetarian foods that do not need to be cooked. I am sort of planning to be at least 85% raw vegan when I finally go out. (I am wondering if I will gain, or lose weight-- kind of using myself as a human guinea pig). I've done a lot of vegetarian camping though, and don't mind the mainly raw diet.

Basically there are a lot of grains and so on that you just need to soak to change the biochemistry so they are edible. Right now I am experimenting with making a breakfast of organic 7 grain cereal (like oatmeal but more in there) also quinoa, and buckwheat groats, soaked overnight in almond milk, (I'd like to add slivered almonds) and add some honey and possibly sunflower seed butter in the morning. I like to restrict soaking and sprouting to beans and grains smaller than a lentil because it takes less time. Also, remember that if you pre-soak your rice and lentil sized beans overnight or all day before cooking, they cook a lot faster, so the cooking time is greatly reduced by soaking anything.

Things like tofu& tempeh can be eaten without cooking-- just depends on your taste. There are also sprouts, and of course real, raw fruits and vegetables. With only a few processed ingredients, you can eat pretty well without ever using a burner.

Look up raw vegetarian or vegan and see the recipes and what you can do without cooking. You are bound to come up with some ideas. I think what you eat all boils down to what you can bring with you. Most fruit/veg will keep for a week without refrigeration. So will eggs and many types of cheese actually. If you coat an egg with Vaseline it will cut off the air pores in the egg shell and last a while. Both need to be kept cool, but not really that cold. Dry goods like cereal keep and are lightweight.
A loaf of bread, and a few jars is probably all you will need after that.

It seems to me that if you base your food choices on whole fruits and vegetables with some whole grains and sprouted beans, your diet should be fairly healthy.

blani 03-30-2012 11:26 AM

I thought of getting a vegetarian.. although it might be a little bit difficult. At the moment I just take care where the food comes from but I have the feeling this isn't enough. I think it's a good idea to eat more raw vegetables. Thank you very much for the Suggestion KateL! If you rotate the vegetables and fruits a bit then it won't get boring :)

GMAN 03-31-2012 12:26 PM

I can't imagine not eating meat. But, most truck stops do have salad bars with veggies. Some people get a refrigerator or electric cooler for the truck and carry their own food with them. It saves money and you eat much more healthy food. Those electric coolers can be purchased at most truck stops for about $100. I am sure you can also find them at outdoor shops and places like Walmart of Kmart.

AndrewGold 02-21-2013 09:47 AM

AndrewGold Deloras
Join. It happens. We can talk about it.

Tony TnT 02-07-2014 02:23 AM

IDK sounds pretty easy to me to be a vegan on the road. I think its harder to be a Carnivor and eat on the cheap with out spoilage.
I have it down pretty good not wasting perishable food. I have my "mini kitchen".
I'm stocked with a lot of kitchen gadgets but only 2 plates and bowls and I can cook almost anything in my truck.

navneet96 01-19-2018 05:03 AM

Mostly i take the pack food while driving. i mostly i like to eat burger.:)

ethanscott278 09-05-2018 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Sunshine Driver (Post 489158)
Been a vegetarian most of my life. Tried the vegan thing for about a year. I usually lose weight when I am away from home for any length of time.

How do you do it? Please share

timidlady 04-06-2019 06:12 AM

First time out vegetarian
I'm going out with a trainer today as a vegetarian. I was kind of worried about it too. I've been on my own a little bit so i know there's a lot of meat out there. Since I'm a guest on a truck, I'm bringing a tote with food that doesn't need cold storage or cooking. I have a lot of cereals and nuts, some flour tortilla and peanut butter, applesauce and oatmeal. I love making energy balls out of oatmeal, nutella or peanut butter, coconut and crushed rice cereal. I'm going to supplement fresh veggies from subway subs and such. When I'm back on my own i plan on growing mushrooms on the truck and a small flat of lettuce and spinach because you can pick continously as you go. Giving it a try. I have a mushroom kit waiting at home. Wish me luck! This is round 2 as a vegetarian. I was so much thinner and calmer when i gave up meat before. Plus the meat processing places kind of grossing me out.

geeshock70 11-26-2019 02:52 PM

The hardest part is any cravings you might have. I have been vegan for over 3 years. I enjoy rice, beans, oatmeal, plenty of healthy greens, etc with just a 40 at cooler and a lunchbox oven

dubawntgulkana 03-25-2020 03:44 AM

Discipline is really important. Motivation too. You gotta know your reason for being one.

Ashton 11-04-2022 03:55 PM

Yes, the regime is the most important here. I'm not a vegetarian, but occasionally I can stick to a vegetarian diet for a few weeks. The last time I tried the diet, and I noticed that beans indeed substitute meat somehow.

albertmort 12-11-2022 07:23 AM

my friend is and he eats cereals, can beans, salads prepared from home, vegetables and fruits...

Roadhog 12-17-2022 07:48 PM

I get my corn and grains through the steak and chicken I eat. They feed vegetarian food to animals to fatten them up.

Ever see a fat dog? They are feeding it vegetarian foods. Give that dog meat and he will look healthy again.

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