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GMAN 11-23-2010 02:11 PM

Thanksgiving 2010
It is hard to believe that Thanksgiving is almost upon us. It would be great if we could post some things that we are thankful this year. I am thankful for my family, good health and that we still live in a (mostly) free country. On a political note, I am very thankful that we will have a new and hopefully more conservative, responsible and sane congress. :thumbsup:

kimmy 11-23-2010 03:39 PM

First and foremost,i'm thankful I can spend another thanksgiving with my folks.I'm thankful i'm healthy,i'm thankful I have a job.Too many folks have a job but don't look on the brighter side,instead all they do is complain.We americans take things for granted and forget about the ones that are less fortunate.If I was to see a homeless person this very second I would invite him or her over for a nice thanksgiving dinner.

Jackrabbit379 11-23-2010 04:21 PM

Happy Thanksgiving!!

It is hard to believe that it's already here. This summer has flown by, and now we are in the fall.
I am thankful for my saviour, Jesus Christ. Without Him, we have nothing.
I am thankful for the freedom we have in our country. I am thankful for the men and women that have served, and are serving our great nation.
I am thankful for my family, and friends.
I hope everyone will be able to make it home to be with their families this weekend.

Jackrabbit379 11-23-2010 04:30 PM

robertt 11-23-2010 07:28 PM


Originally Posted by kimmy (Post 489860)
Too many folks have a job but don't look on the brighter side,instead all they do is complain.We americans take things for granted and forget about the ones that are less fortunate.

You cannot begin to imagine. I'm a federal emloyee and the non-stop b****ing and complaining, EVERYDAY is beyond my belief. The money we make and the benefits we have are ridiculous, yet there are some who think this is the worst job in the world. I say, QUIT!

I am SOOOOOO thankful for my job,(I love what I do), my wife and especially my son, he was a true miracle. I'm thankful for the friends I have, I couldn't have blueprinted better. I'm thankful for what I have and being able to do what I do. I'm thankful for being born an American and enjoying the freedoms we do, for now. I'm thankful for being around as long as I have, I have had a GREAT life! (If it wasn't so sordid I could write a book:smokin:) And finally, I'm thankful I have this site to vent and nobody has asked me to leave yet.:brownnoser:

EVERYBODY have a great THANKSGIVING!!! :eat: May it find all you cherish well. :thumbsup:

golfhobo 11-24-2010 03:12 AM


I'm a federal emloyee
An actual Federal employee?? Or a government contractor employee? I was under the impression it was the latter.

golfhobo 11-24-2010 05:42 AM

I am thankful that my parents (and all my family) are still with me and predominantly healthy. We've never really suffered close or unexpected loss. Not even serious injury or sicknesses. Both sets of grandparents are long gone but NEVER forgotten. I've only lost uncle on my Dad's side (out of 6 siblings) and 2 uncles on my Mom's (same number I think.)

Not a single cousin (or other family member) lost to anything like war or a traffic accident. You could almost say that I'd never known loss.... unless you knew about my daughter. [She's still alive, and well... I hope.]

I'm thankful that I have finally found a career that has led me to my best financial situation in 54 years. Like others, I'm thankful to have a job.

I'm thankful that there is still SOME relative peace in the World, and that America has survived the terrorist attack on 9/11... and that we are beginning to adapt our reaction and security stance to one based on intelligence rather than "shock and awe."

I'm thankful for the American spirit and our history as a country. I'm PROUD to be part of it and to have served in its defense. My highest HONOR goes to those who have given their lives in the service of America.

I'm thankful that we have freedom OF and FROM religion in this country. I wouldn't want to live under ANY other legal system that was based on religion! But, I'm ALSO thankful that the predominant religion in this country is Christian. Not to slight ALL (or any) others.... but, I am GLAD that I was brought up with a very clear and complete understanding and EXAMPLE of a Christian life.

I'm thankful for free speech, (and Al gore for inventing the internet,) and the ability to sit here and "debate" issues of such great importance to us all.... and Roadhogs sex life... with people I've never met but feel connected to. Truckers of all ages, sizes, sexes and temperaments. Ladies with true grit, humor and confidence. Men who are quite capable and willing to throw a punch, or fight it out, when they feel attacked or angry.... yet willing to talk it out if given the chance. Yeah... I'm thankful for CAD. :D

I could Blah blah blah go on blah blah forever... but.... I gotta go to that job I'm so thankful for! :lol:

Y'all be safe. And get home if you can. I'm working Thursday, but we're having our turkey day on Friday.

robertt 11-24-2010 08:00 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo (Post 489895)
An actual Federal employee?? Or a government contractor employee? I was under the impression it was the latter.

Yes, a real live actual federal employee. (Do you think less of me now?):D I DO NOT belong to the AFGE union:pissedoff:, and I DO NOT make the reported $170,000 that the "news" is always railing about. That's the congress people and Senators.

I'm not just an engine mechanic as you thought either. I work on everything. Do engine runs, pressurization runs, Re/Defuel, service all kinds of stuff, change all kinds of components, landing gear, flight controls, engines, etc., Do numerous inspections. We get the Aircraft ready to go home after it's put back together and finished going thru the 6-8 month Depot cycle.

Happy Turkey Day Hobo.:thumbsup:

kimmy 11-24-2010 11:12 AM


Originally Posted by robertt (Post 489874)
You cannot begin to imagine. I'm a federal emloyee and the non-stop b****ing and complaining, EVERYDAY is beyond my belief. The money we make and the benefits we have are ridiculous, yet there are some who think this is the worst job in the world. I say, QUIT!

I am SOOOOOO thankful for my job,(I love what I do), my wife and especially my son, he was a true miracle. I'm thankful for the friends I have, I couldn't have blueprinted better. I'm thankful for what I have and being able to do what I do. I'm thankful for being born an American and enjoying the freedoms we do, for now. I'm thankful for being around as long as I have, I have had a GREAT life! (If it wasn't so sordid I could write a book:smokin:) And finally, I'm thankful I have this site to vent and nobody has asked me to leave yet.:brownnoser:

EVERYBODY have a great THANKSGIVING!!! :eat: May it find all you cherish well. :thumbsup:

I say the same thing,you don't like your job then quit,why bring everyone else down.I hear alot of complaining out here and all I can do is shake my head and walk away.I get tired of hearing it.The pay is'nt the greatest but why complain about it.As long as I make enough for Walmart i'm happy,LOL.

Malaki86 11-24-2010 11:23 AM

I'm thankful for my friends and family. This year, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, my one and only child (daughter), will be getting married. Her mother and I split up before my daughter was born. I didn't get to see my daughter until her 5th birthday. Since then, because of this job I haven't been there for her as much as I should have. Last week she asked me to walk her down the aisle, which put me in 7th Heaven.

Not to go off-topic, but I noticed something yesterday: when I was young and money was really tight, going gift shopping (hitting multiple stores and malls) didn't hurt my body but it really hurt the wallet. Now that money is better, it's not the wallet that hurts, but rather the body. I can barely walk today. That crap just isn't right.

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