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Roadhog 04-01-2010 02:12 PM

Happy April Fools Day..... |8^}
April Fools Day Special Free Edition of HogWash

Today in honor of April Fools Day, I'm issuing a FREE Edition of

Hog's Truth Straight From the Lips of GOD ..... (zilla) ........( FREE Today Only, supplies limited )

Jackrabbit379 04-01-2010 04:46 PM

National Atheist Day. :p

Roadhog 04-01-2010 07:31 PM

Yeah... all these non-believers better realize today is an important day.
Thou shalt submit thyself as a joker or a fool today or be Smite and go a year without a sense of humor.
Just look at me as an example... I forgot April Fools Day last year...and been Smite. :block:

But what do I know, I'm just the 800 lb. fool in the room.

Roadhog 04-01-2010 09:36 PM

Did anyone see Your World with Neil Cavuto today?

At the end of the program, he went into this apology of how he has been wrong about
the major corporations reports of Obamacare will cost them more, when in fact if they project in the long term,
just as the democrats have been saying all along, they will end up saving money. He was very sincere.

He also went on to apologise for being completely wrong about the Stimulus Bill. He nows see's Obama is right
for spending money and planning to raise taxes, after all the stock market seems to be doing quite well.

I'm paraphrasing, but all I can say was my jaw was dropped, and my world was collapsing.
I couldn't believe my ears, and then he paused and said.... April Fools! cof

Jackrabbit379 04-02-2010 04:48 PM

I very seldom catch his show. It's usually about over by the time I get to rollin.

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