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bentstrider 01-04-2010 12:08 AM

Quite the opposite here, getting sick of home.
When I was OTR, I would stay out 3-6 weeks before my D/M would say, "that's enough".

Being away from home is alot easier when you've never really established a good rapport within your hometown to begin with.
I actually began to feel more at home with the small towns in the MidWest than I ever did with the 'burbs here in SoCal.

Eclipse 03-19-2020 08:03 PM

I'm out so much till I miss missing home. In other words I've grown numb to going home and only look forward to a happy retirement of some sort.
My mother and brother grew old literally overnight. She passed away in July due to a botched operation she will be missed however, I still have my brother and half brother and various other family members to live out the rest of my days.
​​​​​My advice is to all... Enjoy every minute of the day you can with your family and make as many videos as you can of them trust me you'll be glad you did.
To tell the truth the government should absolutely limit time away from home for drivers because we too are human beings and time never runs backwards nor can it be rewound.
Regret will set in folks trust me it will if you don't spend as much time as you can being around loved ones once they are gone.

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