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Jackrabbit379 06-24-2009 04:27 PM

Perez Hilton
Do yall remember Perez Hilton? He's the queer that called Miss California a 'the term for female dog' just because she stood up for Traditional marriage at the Miss America Pageant. Well, it appears that the manager of Black Eyed Peas (rap group?) beat up Perez Hilton. Good for him! I don't condone violence, but it's about time someone cold cocked him. I guess that stuff flies out in California, but if Perez Hilton would have pulled that stunt in Texas, they woulda carried him out feet first. :p I still don't understand why they had him a judge on Miss America to begin with. He don't even like girls. He likes boys.

I listened to the story on the O'Reilly Factor last night. They had a video of Perez Hilton. He was in tears. He aint so tough now, is he?

Here's the story. I'm sure there are other links, but I found this one.

Celebrity Blogger Gets Earful Following Gay Slur - Celebrity Gossip | Entertainment News | Arts And Entertainment -

Windwalker 06-24-2009 09:10 PM

And, is he also related to the "infamous" Paris Hilton????

Blacksheep 06-25-2009 01:18 AM

No he's just some idiot blogger, when you talk crap about people for a living it could come back to bite you in the arse.

Jumbo 06-25-2009 02:11 AM

Funny how a gay guy calls someone else a ***. He got what he deserved.

Windwalker 06-25-2009 02:39 AM

Strikes me, his elevator doesn't go to the top floor, and I'll bet his deck of cards only has about 49 or so. Might be able to use a drop or two of 'LOCK-TITE" on the threads of his screws too.

Jackrabbit379 06-25-2009 06:02 AM


Originally Posted by Windwalker (Post 454247)
Strikes me, his elevator doesn't go to the top floor, and I'll bet his deck of cards only has about 49 or so. Might be able to use a drop or two of 'LOCK-TITE" on the threads of his screws too.

Also, it appears that he's got a few bricks shy of a load, and I'm sure some of his pencils needs sharpening, and I don't think all of his ants made it to the picnic.

I've never heard of him, till the Miss America Pageant. Who knows. He might be kin to Paris. Ya know, she's not exactly the brightest light on the strand herself. I'd hate to have the name, Perez Hilton. The name itself sounds funny. That's almost as bad as a boy named Sue. :p

Ya know, if someone walks on the other side of the fence, that's their business, but when you stand in front of a camera, and call some gal a 'female dog' just because she believes in Traditional Marriage, that's something else. Aint right. I'm glad somebody cleaned his plow.

GMAN 06-25-2009 11:41 AM

It seems to me as though he just wanted to push his own personal agenda. It is a shame what they have done to Miss California, or should I now say the "former" Miss California?

Jackrabbit379 06-25-2009 03:57 PM

It is a shame. Saddening.

TimberWolf 06-26-2009 12:55 AM

He is still making millions so I dont think he cares what ppl think of him..
It was the Miss Universe contest not Miss America not that either one of them are worth a damn to watch.
The way I see it is that he is just as passionate about his cause as others are about theirs and he has every right to voice his opinion as everyone else does..
I find it so funny to watch people as they blast someone else for their mis-givings in life and then down the road you witness them doing the very same Case in point the gov of South Carolina blasting Clinton on his Affair.. New York Gov going after prostitutes and their johns then getting busted with one..
Human nature at it's finest..... No one is free from shame or misgivings It Is What It Is....
Live and let live people, worry about yourself and those around you, when you give attention to this type of dysfunction it only makes them more popular I like to call it the Jerry Springer Effect...

Go ahead and call me a queer lover if you like, thats ok as I am very secure with my masculine & feminine sides or at least my wife thinks so..


Windwalker 06-26-2009 09:46 AM


Originally Posted by TimberWolf (Post 454324)
He is still making millions so I dont think he cares what ppl think of him..
It was the Miss Universe contest not Miss America not that either one of them are worth a damn to watch.
The way I see it is that he is just as passionate about his cause as others are about theirs and he has every right to voice his opinion as everyone else does..
I find it so funny to watch people as they blast someone else for their mis-givings in life and then down the road you witness them doing the very same Case in point the gov of South Carolina blasting Clinton on his Affair.. New York Gov going after prostitutes and their johns then getting busted with one..
Human nature at it's finest..... No one is free from shame or misgivings It Is What It Is....
Live and let live people, worry about yourself and those around you, when you give attention to this type of dysfunction it only makes them more popular I like to call it the Jerry Springer Effect...

Go ahead and call me a queer lover if you like, thats ok as I am very secure with my masculine & feminine sides or at least my wife thinks so..


Actually, I'd bet the controversey is part of his game. It's way of attracting attention, which means more money. A publicity stunt, if you will. It simply doesn't make him the sharpest knife in the drawer.

TimberWolf 06-26-2009 11:37 AM

Winwalker I agree,
however when it comes right down to the facts the dulest blades in the drawer are those that are dumb enough to buy ino this crap, even the ones that feel sorry for poor Miss California such an injustice was put upon her and she was forced to quit, resign, fired, what have you, bottom line is someone will offer her something more substanial down the road that is the American way. This kind of crap adds fame and fortune to thier lives. Hence the Jerry Springer Effect. Jerry has made 100's of millions on the stupidity of Humanity and the majority of American humanity buy into it.
Just blows my mind away...


Windwalker 06-27-2009 12:41 AM


Originally Posted by TimberWolf (Post 454363)
Winwalker I agree,
however when it comes right down to the facts the dulest blades in the drawer are those that are dumb enough to buy ino this crap, even the ones that feel sorry for poor Miss California such an injustice was put upon her and she was forced to quit, resign, fired, what have you, bottom line is someone will offer her something more substanial down the road that is the American way. This kind of crap adds fame and fortune to thier lives. Hence the Jerry Springer Effect. Jerry has made 100's of millions on the stupidity of Humanity and the majority of American humanity buy into it.
Just blows my mind away...


Remember the song: "DON'T WORRY, BE HAPPY"... Americans will buy ANYTHING. All you have to do is PACKAGE it.

Biscuit Lips 06-30-2009 05:58 PM

I am just sick ant tired of all these homos., it seems as though they are trying to take over the world and force their vile, nauseating agenda on the children. They say they are fighting for tolerance, but they themselveses are not tolerant of others who have no interest in becoming f@ggots. If they want to do each other in the poop chute fine, just shut the hell up about it and go do it, and stick all of the BS. propaganda up there as well.

TimberWolf 07-01-2009 04:32 AM

Wow Biscuit lips that was an extremely sad response.... But you know those who speak out the loudest are usualy the ones in the closet or at the very least living in a secreat fantasy world... Examples Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swagert, Jim Baker, etc.......... are you one of those as well?

So.. Just for ****s and giggles where would the "lady homos" put their agendas???? propaganda please.. it is what it is, they are just trying to live life just as you are. I would love to see some of their propaganda that you say is being pushed upon our children, so when you find it please post it so I can be witness to what you have deemed filth. Is it any worse then the ciggarette companies, the liquor companies, the straight porn community, lingeries companies, weight loss companies, all of whom push their agendas on our children, come on now it's humanity, have you not figured that out yet????

Live and let live with decency and some amount of respect...........


Biscuit Lips 07-03-2009 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by TimberWolf (Post 454871)
Wow Biscuit lips that was an extremely sad response.... But you know those who speak out the loudest are usualy the ones in the closet or at the very least living in a secreat fantasy world... Examples Ted Haggard, Jimmy Swagert, Jim Baker, etc.......... are you one of those as well?

So.. Just for ****s and giggles where would the "lady homos" put their agendas???? propaganda please.. it is what it is, they are just trying to live life just as you are. I would love to see some of their propaganda that you say is being pushed upon our children, so when you find it please post it so I can be witness to what you have deemed filth. Is it any worse then the ciggarette companies, the liquor companies, the straight porn community, lingeries companies, weight loss companies, all of whom push their agendas on our children, come on now it's humanity, have you not figured that out yet????

Live and let live with decency and some amount of respect...........


golfhobo 07-20-2009 06:15 PM

I was gonna post something about Perez.... but you guys used up all the good cliches!

I'm left like a dog without a bone.

Syncrosonix 07-20-2009 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by Biscuit Lips (Post 455094)

Jumbo 07-21-2009 03:48 AM


Originally Posted by Syncrosonix (Post 456686)

Ok, Where did you find Hawk Jr.'s emplolyee photo?

Syncrosonix 07-21-2009 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Jumbo (Post 456715)
Ok, Where did you find Hawk Jr.'s employee photo?

he told me not to tell anybody.

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