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bentstrider 06-17-2009 06:05 PM

General thoughts on California
Well, you all know my general opinion of this state, and after spending 13 months out of it, how overrated and overcrowded everything is here.

So, what are everyone else's views on this ackwardness of a US(?) state?

Jackrabbit379 06-17-2009 06:23 PM

I've been to California, twice. Both times was enough for me. After driving on I-10 in L.A, I'd rather drive in downtown Dallas anytime.
I went to Big Sur,Ca one time. I hauled a load of C-Iron to a construction site there. I went up on highway 1. Talk about some sharp curves along the coast. I have to admit, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen-the coast. As far as I could see was water.

The main thing that drove me nuts was the speed limit. 55 mph for trucks. That's silly. :lol:

Mackman 06-17-2009 06:27 PM

I hope it falls into the ocean

bentstrider 06-17-2009 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by Jackrabbit379 (Post 453439)
I've been to California, twice. Both times was enough for me. After driving on I-10 in L.A, I'd rather drive in downtown Dallas anytime.
I went to Big Sur,Ca one time. I hauled a load of C-Iron to a construction site there. I went up on highway 1. Talk about some sharp curves along the coast. I have to admit, that was the most beautiful thing I've ever seen-the coast. As far as I could see was water.

The main thing that drove me nuts was the speed limit. 55 mph for trucks. That's silly. :lol:

When I was with Swift, I was well aware of those 70-75mph speeds for everything over there in Texas.
Swifts are nowhere near capable of that, but it was comfortable to know that you could.
Whenever I was out along the 10 past Banning, I knew it was only 100 or so miles before freedom.

Another thing that jars my gears are all the kids from the "flyover" states wanting to go to college out here simply because it's "hip".
I tell them, yeah, you'll get involved in a lot of BS political activism, but you'll never finish your degree in 4-5 years.
The lecture halls in the CSU/UC systems have a faculty-to-student ratio of 1:200.
It's easy to loose interest in that chaos.

CaliTrucker 06-18-2009 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by Mackman (Post 453440)
I hope it falls into the ocean

I agree with Mackman, but not until I get the hell out of here:thumbsup:

LightsChromeHorsepower 06-18-2009 01:55 AM

California is paradise on earth.
The only thing wrong with it is that it has too many people that moved here from other states.
The more that leave the nicer it will be.

GMAN 06-18-2009 02:03 AM

California used to be a great place to live. I would not want to live out there the way things are now. At one time it was fairly cheap to live in the state. After Reagan left the governorship they got some nut cases in office who started raising taxes to the point that I don't see how the average worker can afford to live there. The congestion has gotten much worse over the last 30 or so years. I still enjoy going out there from time to time, but it isn't the same place as it was a few decades ago. Things used to be much more casual and easy going, even in LA. I think people were much more friendly 30 years ago in California than today. They have so many rules and laws that it is difficult to keep up. It seems that every time they have a budget shortfall they come up with a new law to generate more tax revenue. The liberals have certainly changed the state, and not for the better. They have turned it into one of the most expensive states in the country in which to live and operate a business.

LightsChromeHorsepower 06-18-2009 02:17 AM


Originally Posted by GMAN (Post 453479)
The liberals have certainly changed the state, and not for the better. They have turned it into one of the most expensive states in the country in which to live and operate a business.

As usual, your political views are 180 degrees out of reality.

We have a Republican Governator and the reason we are gridlocked is that the Repubs control a large enough portion of the state legislature to keep any progress from occuring.

The real origin of our problems goes back to Jarvis-Gann, (aka Prop 13) which was a Republican movement from the get go.

It is true that it's a terrible place. Nobody should ever come here.

GMAN 06-18-2009 03:09 AM

I remember exactly how things were in California before all the changes started to occur. The current governor may call himself a republican but he is no more a republican than Colin Powell. Both are liberals who wrap themselves in the conservative mantra. The liberals have been in control of California for several decades. I think the state made a major turn under Jerry Brown and it has continued on a long, steep downhill slide ever since. Californians are over taxed and under represented. They have allowed the inmates to take over the asylum. At one time California was a fairly conservative state. Taxes were low as was the cost of living.

bentstrider 06-18-2009 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by LightsChromeHorsepower (Post 453480)
As usual, your political views are 180 degrees out of reality.

We have a Republican Governator and the reason we are gridlocked is that the Repubs control a large enough portion of the state legislature to keep any progress from occuring.

The real origin of our problems goes back to Jarvis-Gann, (aka Prop 13) which was a Republican movement from the get go.

It is true that it's a terrible place. Nobody should ever come here.

Arnie's a RINO, if people wanted a real, Republican in the governors office, then McClintock was the way to go.
But, big names trump small dreams when it comes to this game.

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