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Colts Fan 08-24-2008 02:09 AM

I think Bob Barr is a phony and a wuss. He is using the Libertarians to get back into the political arena. If he had any balls he would have run on the Republican ticket. AS far as philosophy is concerned he is no where close to a Libertarian.

Windwalker 08-24-2008 10:03 AM


Originally Posted by Fredog

Originally Posted by Jackrabbit379
It's nutz all around. We have 2 choices. Tweedle dee, and tweedle dum. One of them is a Democrat, and the other is the Republican, so take your pick. :lol: :? :P

dont you mean tweedle dum and tweedle dumber?

I don't have to win the election to succeed... Read below...

BigDiesel 08-24-2008 10:28 AM

As a dyed in the wool Republican..... I struggle with McCain..... But Hell will freeze over before I vote for the teleprompter wunderkind....

Jumbo 08-24-2008 12:09 PM

Re: Obamanation is an idiot

Originally Posted by Karnajj
He introduced Joe Biden (another idiot) as the next president of U.S.

Is Joe Biden really the "change" Mr. Obama has been talking about. I hoped he would pick someone that nobody knew.

trux 08-25-2008 03:47 AM


Originally Posted by Drew10
But, Irag it really isnt a issue anymore.

Look for the sequel in Iran to fire up any time now. This BS in the middle east is going to continue until we've got troops on the ground in every oil producing Muslim country on earth.

And we'll be there till the oil runs out.

ironeagle_2006 08-25-2008 04:20 PM

Why in the HELL do you think we SENT OBAMA TO WASHINGTON it was to get his A$$ out of Springfield in the firstplace. We had no clue he was going to run for President. Sorry :cry: Could be worse we could have sent you our Governor Mr Hair Dryer Blagoavich or Emil Jones that as Senate President if he did not get a kickback onthe bill coming up for a vote if it involved money for the state it NEVER WOULD COME UP FOR A VOTE. This man single HANADELY STOPPED ANY AND ALL ETHICS REFORM THAT WOULD HAVE KILLED PAY FOR PLAY REFORM HERE IN ILLINOIS and guess were they are all from. YOu will not need 3 guesses since as drivers we all hate the city can not drive on a US Route in it numbered 41 and It is Home to The Bears Cubs White Sox and the Bulls. Also things are so bad right now with our Gov and speaker of the House that if they do talk it is through the LT Governor ONLY.

gordoUSA 08-25-2008 05:35 PM

Joe Biden was a excellent choice. Has more knowledge and experience than McCain in foriegn policy. Passed very good bills in regards to fighting crime. Working class roots, in personal financial terms the "poorest" of any member of the Senate. Like anybody else, he isn't perfect, but he should be entertaining in that he usually doesn't hold back, willing to speak his mind, but also sometimes, talks too much.
Everyone needs to remember the Republicans have been in charge of Congress since 1998-2006. It was the Republicans that let the "balanced budget" amendment expire. And then began the most irresponsible spending spree in the history of our country.

ben45750 08-25-2008 10:36 PM

I was just listening to a sound clip of Obama and Biden. Obama introduced Biden as the nest President of the United States and Biden thanked Obama and called him Barack America.

These two have to be the biggest jokes.

ben45750 08-25-2008 11:22 PM


video clip of Barack America:

Next president of the US (Biden)

I really don't think we need these retards running the country.

jiptwoo 08-26-2008 01:42 AM

We have all heard bush make many verbal mistakes and I could take this further. All of us have made many verbal mistakes, especially when we wish we did'nt. So he made a verbal mistake, big deal, we all have. All the verbal ying yang here means nothing, your vote does and nothing else.

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