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HWD 05-12-2008 11:00 PM

Two things I never saw a driver do
Your experiences may vary, but I will say there are two things I have never seen any truck driver do:

1) toss cigarette butts out the window

2) change lanes without signaling

I don't know if I just don't get out much, but 25 years of 4-wheeler-'in and the 5 years I drove OTR I never saw either one!

Drivers I have seen have always signalled their lane changes and I have never seen one toss a butt out the I said I am sure some do but I ain't never seen it.

Little things do mean alot, at least to me. I am proud of the bulk of the drivers out there still driving.

Mackman 05-12-2008 11:04 PM

I do both them things. I will use my flasher if cars are around. But at 3am and im the only one on the road i dont use it. Just wearing it out. Plus there is no one there to see it.

CaliTrucker 05-12-2008 11:04 PM

Re: Two things I never saw a driver do

Originally Posted by HWD
Your experiences may vary, but I will say there are two things I have never seen any truck driver do:

1) toss cigarette butts out the window

2) change lanes without signaling

I don't know if I just don't get out much, but 25 years of 4-wheeler-'in and the 5 years I drove OTR I never saw either one!

Drivers I have seen have always signalled their lane changes and I have never seen one toss a butt out the I said I am sure some do but I ain't never seen it.

Little things do mean alot, at least to me. I am proud of the bulk of the drivers out there still driving.

Just curious, have you been to California lately, I probably see this on a daily basis.

HWD 05-12-2008 11:06 PM

I was in CA only because the military wanted me there. I live on the east coast and when I drove OTR I only went once, and that was 15 years ago!

CA seems to be the exceptions on ALOT of levels...

JeffTheTerrible 05-12-2008 11:48 PM

I'm with Mackman on this one. I was actually cut off by an end dump which changed lanes without signaling this morning.. of course, it was a Puryear truck (they're kinda like the Swift of the local construction industry here in the Raleigh area, albeit with faster trucks), but they're hardly guilty of being the only ones who do that.

Phantom433a 05-17-2008 03:04 PM

I see drivers change lanes all the time with no signal and FYI....throwing a cigerette butt out the window in the state of Arizona is a ticketable offense no matter what time of the year. If you see someone throw one out, you can even call the local police and they will run the license plate and contact the person(s).

Syncrosonix 05-17-2008 07:22 PM

saw both of those happen today as i was jamming through new mexico. an o/o not only cut me off, he also chucked his f'ing cigarette butt out the window, and it bounced off my f'ing windshield. :x

it's all good, i suppose. 150 miles down the road, i saw his ass on the shoulder with his hood open, and a crapload of oil splattered on his windshield.

karma is a bitch.

Phantom433a 05-17-2008 09:13 PM

Bad karma Syncrosonix, you didn't point and laugh did you? :shock:

Syncrosonix 05-17-2008 09:24 PM

nope. saw it and chuckled a bit to myself.

TruckerChris 05-18-2008 05:06 PM

You must not pay very good attention to trucks when you drive. I see those constantly. It seems that most company drivers signal (MOST, not all) but those square nosed owner ops like to changed and not signal! Must be the billybigrigger mentality.

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