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Malaki86 04-06-2008 08:22 PM

Wonderful Christians (I think)
This morning I was traveling east on I-84 from PA into NY. I'm not sure the exact location, but this happened at the first rest area you come to in NY.

Around 8:30am I came to the hill which has the rest area about 3/4th the way up. The hill is steep enough to warrant a truck lane. Anyway, traveling east, there was only myself and one car within a mile of each other. As soon as I started losing my speed, I hit the blinkers and moved to the far right lane. The car coming up behind me isn't going much faster than me and the distance between us is still pretty far. No problem so far.

As I come up on the rest area, I see a truck coming out heading east. There's not much of a merge area to say the least. So, I do the right thing - I turned my blinker on, moved to the center lane, then turned on my four-ways so that the 4-wheeler behind me knows that I'm moving slower than they are. The merging truck comes into the right lane beside me and we pretty much are running the same speed.

Well, this four-wheeler, who has the entire left lane and probably 6-7 truck lengths behind me decides to almost slam into the back of my truck. They whip around and come up on my left side. Once they were beside me, they slowed down to match my speed. Inside this car are 2 adults, I'm guessing mid to late 30s, with 3 kids in the back seat. The "adults" both show me the international sign for "You're #1", take off, cut in front of me, slow down quickly, then instantly speed off in the distance.

Now, while they were beside me, I could see that everyone in the car was dressed very nicely. Being a Sunday morning at about 8:30am, one thing comes to my mind - They're on their way to church.

Hmmm - I think they should do some extra reading/praying while they're there.

Truckfam 04-06-2008 10:49 PM

Those people were not Christians. Even if they were going to church and claim to be Christians, their actions prove that they are not. By their fruits you will know them. Their fruits were getting highly irate, and taking time to tell you off. Then doing a death defying feat that could have very well caused an accident and gotten their kids killed. Then they broke the law by speeding. Not very good fruits by any means.

If they call themselves Christians, they are pretend Christians.

golfhobo 04-07-2008 12:29 AM

What are your expectations of Christians? And are they realistic?

Sometimes, the only difference between Christians and sinners is that the former KNOWS he is a sinner.

Unfortunately, many Christians CONDEMN the unfaithfull, as YOU have done against them!

So, how are YOU any better than them?

Your "observation" is not lost on me, and neither is your PIOUSNESS!

Truth of the situation is this.... since YOU were not going any faster than the merging truck, YOU should have slowed 1 mph and let him in in front of you! I KNOW it is hard to tell at times. And, yes, there was plenty of room to do otherwise. But, we EARN our respect from the public by GIVING them respect. Being the professional, we don't expect to get the same in return.

I just can't help thinking this would be a post under "stupid 4wheelers" had they NOT been dressed for Church! But, because they WERE, you chose to condemn all Christians for the act of ONE!

Psychologists (not me) would say that this indicates a REAL problem within you! (And not the first one I've noticed.)

It is INDEED possible, that this person reconsidered his actions before or during attending church that day. Yet YOU have held onto your "perspective" long enough to post about it. There is no law in America that says Christians must be held to a higher standard. His actions are between him and his God. AS are YOUR conceptions.

If I were you, I'd be more worried about what this incident, and your conception of it, means to YOU and your social/spiritual position in life, than what it meant to GOD. :roll:

And NEXT time you get in the "truck lane" and put on your flashers, STAY there! Don't confuse the 4wheelers, OR piss off the faster trucks! :lol:

Syncrosonix 04-07-2008 12:41 AM

don't you love the smell of religious hypocrisy? i know i do. most of those religious types are sinners 6 days of the week, or 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. religion is the downfall of mankind. the world would be a much better place without it.

Bunny 04-07-2008 01:04 AM

Amen Brother.. LOL

Religion is the root of all evil!!!

Malaki86 04-07-2008 01:28 AM

Hmmm - let's see. There are 3 travel lanes, 2 of which I can legally use. There are a total of 3 vehicles involved. The merging truck comes onto the interstate pretty much at the exact same speed as what I'm already traveling. The 4-wheeler had more than enough room to see that I was moving and had moved. I had my headlights on, so the trailer lights were on, I used my turn signal from before the time I started my lane change until I was completely in the other lane. After completing the lane change, I turned on my 4-ways because of my slower speed.

So, it's MY FAULT that those people were nothing more than the normal impatient asses we deal with on a normal basis? If there had been more traffic on the highway, yes, I would have either stayed in my lane and maintained my speed (forcing the merging truck to slow) or maintained my lane and decreased my speed (which is NOT my obligation to do).

Don't go getting all high and mighty here. I did the correct thing. Just because those people were INCONVIENENCED by a big truck on a hill and had to change lanes, whoop-de-freakin-do.

As for me staying in the truck lane, I hate to tell you, if there are 3 lanes and the highway has markings that say "No trucks in the left lane" doesn't mean "All trucks stay in the right lane because you might upset someone".

terrylamar 04-07-2008 02:10 AM


Originally Posted by Bunny
Amen Brother.. LOL

Religion is the root of all evil!!!

Evil is the root of all evil.

Slimland 04-07-2008 03:35 AM



Originally Posted by Truckfam
Those people were not Christians. Even if they were going to church and claim to be Christians, their actions prove that they are not. By their fruits you will know them. Their fruits were getting highly irate, and taking time to tell you off. Then doing a death defying feat that could have very well caused an accident and gotten their kids killed. Then they broke the law by speeding. Not very good fruits by any means.

If they call themselves Christians, they are pretend Christians.

Hmm-- If we go by fruits, then I am a Rotten Tree. and So are ALL Professed Christians.

Should we have good fruits? Yes
Are we going to have bad fruits? Yep

So if a christian famly or person throws the bird at someone, are they christian? Trukfam--you say no according to your statement..
Peter then wasn't a Christian, for he shunned the gentiles.. At first he ate with them, then when the other jews who came with John showed up. He and Barnabas left that table, cause according to the old laws, it was against the rules persay.. But we know that Paul set him in order.

King David, was an Adulterer, Murderer, and went against Gods command.
King Solomon in his old age Practiced witch craft. because of his wifes.
Lot got drunk and screwed his 2 daughters.
The list goes on and on.

So my point is, a bird doesn't mean someone isn't a Christian. It is what they believe and have faith in. Jesus said "He that BELIEVES in ME, though he where dead, YET shall he LIVE" He took all those sins upon himself, so we could be sinless through Him.

If I was to judge them by there actions, then we all have failed, for we all have sin and fall short of the Glory of God.. Remember- to be angry with someone is to commit murder! To worry is denying Gods power.. To look at a woman with lust in the eye is to commit adultery. These are all under the old Law, the New is the Law of Love, Not of condemnation for those who believe.


Slimland 04-07-2008 03:37 AM



Originally Posted by Syncrosonix
don't you love the smell of religious hypocrisy? i know i do. most of those religious types are sinners 6 days of the week, or 365 days of the year, 24 hours a day. religion is the downfall of mankind. the world would be a much better place without it.

Not me! I am 7 Days a Week.

Fozzy 04-07-2008 04:11 AM


Originally Posted by terrylamar

Originally Posted by Bunny
Amen Brother.. LOL

Religion is the root of all evil!!!

Evil is the root of all evil.

And evil is never more happy when it gets a free pass from their invented god(s) blessing based on their version of whatever...

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