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Phantom433a 12-13-2007 11:35 PM

A Truckers Christmas Eve
A Truckers Christmas Eve
By L. E. Rose

Twas the night before Christmas, and was I flying across the land,
Doing my job, delivering the toys that I had on hand.
When off in the distance, something caught my eye,
A twinkling of lights, that I just couldn’t pass by.
No homes sat at this spot, with nothing around
All that lay below was a highway, East and Westward bound.
I yelled to my team and this is what I said,
“take us down boys, so I can see what’s amber and red”

As we got closer, I saw to my delight
It was a customized semi, idling away in the night.
I laid down the reins and stepped out of the sleigh,
I knocked on the drivers door and took a quick step away.
The truck rocked slightly, as the driver moved around,
Then he looked out the window, and at me standing on the ground.
He blinked, then squinted And looked at me with surprise,
Slowly lowering the window as if he couldn’t believe his eyes.

“Driver” I said “on this lonely onramp, why are you here?
Instead of at home, enjoying your family’s holiday cheer?”

“Santa” he said “I’m not out here for fun, we all have jobs to do,
But at the end of this run, I’ll be home for a day or two.
My family understands why I must be away,
Even on this night, before a special day.
Loads must be delivered, to warehouses far and wide,
Brothers and sisters like me, showing their truckers pride.
We keep this nation running, that, and a whole lot more,
Whether it’s a mom and pop, or a super box store.
Don’t feel sorry for us, criss-crossing the land,
Products got to be delivered, do you understand?”

I hung my head and thought awhile, wiping away a tear,
But when I raised my head with a smile, I wished him holiday cheer.
I understood what he said, even though he was all alone,
His heart was with his family, all the way back home.
Men and women just like him, make sacrifices every day,
Rolling down the road, with home many miles away.
He might not see his family for a week or even more,
But he knows that thanks to people like him, there’s food in the stores.
I climbed back aboard my sleigh, with a deep and heartfelt sigh
Picking up the reins, I started to wave good-bye.

He called out once more, before I flew away,
“You’re the original long hauler Santa, Have a Merry Christmas Day!”

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