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Double L 12-08-2007 09:46 PM

My ER Visit
It all started yesterday when my stomach was hurting after school. So I went and took a nap. I woke up a few hours laters with my chest around my heart hurting, it felt like I was having a heart attack. I went back to sleep cause I needed sleep, I woke up again it was hurting the middle of my chest. I just blew it off and said forget it, so back to sleep I go. Then this morning I had to do bell ringing for the Salvation Army for my scholarship so I did that for my hour I had to do and then I went to the ER. They stuck me in my right arm, no luck then stuck me in my left arm and no luck so I told them to stick me in forearm, finally got it there. (I got baby viens, I was 1lb and 5 months early) Anyway they drew 6 tubes of blood and gave me some pain medicine, then I went for an x-ray and they said that I had two broken ribs that occured along time ago which I didn't know. I think that happened from an asthma attack I had along time ago and never knew it. Then I went down for a CAT scan to see if I had a bloodclot and negative on that. It was the first time I had iodine in my system, I was cold the whole time I was at the ER, then when they put that iodine in me and it set my black ass on fire to the point to where I started singing Charlie Daniel's-The Devil Went Down To Georiga! :lol: :lol: I was there for about 3 hours :roll: They told me that it was chest wall pain. I pulled it up online and found out it's caused from prolong coughing which I do cough alot and I also pulled up broken ribs and it's caused by violent coughing which I do when I'm having an asthma attack so that is probably where my two broken ribs came from. Talk about along day! Glad to be out of there.

mommee 12-08-2007 10:11 PM

Glad you're okay.

Double L 12-08-2007 10:13 PM

Thank you so am I, glad it's not a blood clot or pnuemonia for sure!

Trukrswyfe 12-08-2007 10:21 PM

that Iodine is some scary stuff, be there done that, MRI are fun like having someone jack hammer on your head. Double glad to see you are filling better, could be the pain killer though, Take it easy.


Double L 12-08-2007 10:28 PM

Thank you, the doctor doing the Cat scan told me the symptons were mild to severe cardiac arrest, I was like GREAAAAAAAAAT lol I feel much better though, I don't know how this medicine will affect me if it'll make me tired or higher than a damn kite! :lol: I rather be higher than a kite instead of tired, the kids at school are gonna wonder what happened to me. :lol:

Roadhog 12-08-2007 10:29 PM

Re: My ER Visit

Originally Posted by Double L
when they put that iodine in me and it set my black ass on fire to the point to where I started singing Charlie Daniel's-The Devil Went Down To Georiga! :lol: :lol: that hurt them as much as it hurt you! :P :? ....sorry :mrgreen:

Serious stuff that asthma...I'm glad you got out of there standing.

............... :) ................ get any phone numbers? :D
Them Hospitals are loaded with Babes that wanna Nurse you!
All you have to do is strike a lot of poses...flexing your know...nonchalant like.

Double L 12-08-2007 10:33 PM

Yeah I know what ya mean Roadhog, I got more of a lung condition than asthma, but there was some good looking nurses though! 8) :D I won't go into details and no I didn't get any phone numbers. :lol:

Mack2 12-08-2007 10:34 PM

Re: My ER Visit

Originally Posted by roadhog

Originally Posted by Double L
when they put that iodine in me and it set my black ass on fire to the point to where I started singing Charlie Daniel's-The Devil Went Down To Georiga! :lol: :lol: that hurt them as much as it hurt you! :P :? ....sorry :mrgreen:

Serious stuff that asthma...I'm glad you got out of there standing.

............... :) ................ get any phone numbers? :D
Them Hospitals are loaded with Babes that wanna Nurse you!
All you have to do is strike a lot of poses...flexing your know...nonchalant like.

Yeah that reminds me of when I had to get my knee stitched back together that nurse that was there was hot.

Slimland 12-09-2007 01:12 AM

I hope you get better..!

I tore my cartlige between 2 ribs one time from putting a plug in a tire, then a few years later, did it in the same place from coughing.

Double L 12-09-2007 08:27 AM

I'm in a catch 22 here, I'm prescibed pain pills for my chest. And I got school and I was told to take 3 for 4 days or as needed. I may have to miss Monday and Tuesday since I can't have pain pills at school. Honestly I'd much rather stay at home instead of going to school to keep my chest pains to a minimal anyway, rather be safe than sorry.

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