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lexiecat 11-10-2007 02:41 AM

Pacheco Pass CA Experiences in rain or fog ?
I need to drive on 152 from the West Coast to Los Banos. That mean going over 152 Pacheco Pass. In the fog, now that that time of year is hear. I am wondering if any of you out there has had experience there, and just how bad and often the fog gets. I assume it's mostly at the top.

I really wish CHP OR Caltrans would post on an hourly basis if need be the weather conditions. It's a 20 mile stretch approx. There are NO signs at all. Often there are really BAD accidents, I have never seen worse or more dangers drivers anywhere, and this is during good clear weather.

Any info or good advice would be welcome. Thank You.


ronjon619 11-10-2007 05:00 AM

Eastbound is much easier IMHO. Fog is not the problem there, its the wet roads. It seems to be wet there all the time. The construction at the 156 split is terrible.

phantom 11-11-2007 01:46 PM

Pacheco Pass
Hey! I'm an O/O outta Fresno,Ca, & yes the fog does, get preatty bad, &
no it's not always at the top.......once you start going past the San Louis
resevoir, & start going down into the San Juaquin Valley, the fog gets really bad... sometimes 20ft visibility...... BE CAREFUL!!!!!
There are a lot of stupid 4wheelers, who still drive like idiots.... If you take it kinda slow, you should be o.k......It's Sunday morning,& we had rain last night, & some fog right now... Good Luck! & Happy Veteran's Day! :D

Malaki86 11-11-2007 01:55 PM

I've never been in CA, but I deal with I-68 all the time. The fog across there can be absolutely horrible. There was a bad pile-up there a few years ago.

Best bet when driving in bad visability is to slow down until you get to a speed you feel comfortable at. Also, turn on your 4-ways so that people coming up behind you can see you.

Winter's coming and we won't only have the fog to deal with, but also the snow, which can get just as bad, if not worse, as far as the disability. When you add the snow issue, you have to worry about not slowing down too much, as to add the problem of losing your momentum and getting stuck on an uphill climb.

If it gets to the point that you're just plain out uncomfortable and can't continue, then don't. Pull over and park. I don't mean park ON the interstate, I mean at the very least get on a ramp and shut down. Turn on your 4 ways, though, if you have to park on a ramp, particularly when the visability is horrible.

golfhobo 11-12-2007 03:47 PM

Re: Pacheco Pass CA Experiences in rain or fog ?

Originally Posted by lexiecat
I need to drive on 152 from the West Coast to Los Banos. That mean going over 152 Pacheco Pass. In the fog, now that that time of year is hear. I am wondering if any of you out there has had experience there, and just how bad and often the fog gets. I assume it's mostly at the top.

I really wish CHP OR Caltrans would post on an hourly basis if need be the weather conditions. It's a 20 mile stretch approx. There are NO signs at all. Often there are really BAD accidents, I have never seen worse or more dangers drivers anywhere, and this is during good clear weather.

Any info or good advice would be welcome. Thank You.


Well.... UNLIKE Malakai.... I HAVE been there, many times. And there is a big difference between being LOADED and EMPTY! Empty trucks will take the left lane and zoom! Loaded trucks tend to stay in the right lane with flashers on.

The fog CAN be bad, but it is usually on the COASTAL side, not the "valley side." But when it occurs, it is just BELOW the crest! (for reasons I don't have time to explain.)

Now.... Empty trucks are usually going WEST.... towards Salinas, where they will load, so they are the fastest/crasiest. If you are going East, most trucks will allready be loaded, and will be heavy and slow.

If you have "really never seen worse or more dangerous drivers ANYWHERE, I have to question where the heck you have EVER been?

I've driven all over Cali, and this is not the worst. You mentioned the 100 vehicle pileup in Fresno during the fog.... been there, done THAT! Highway 99 is the Worst! And the fog is worse there, too!

The trick to driving in fog, is go slow.... put on your flashers... and be ready to STOP or take the shoulder! Yes.... there IS a shoulder over MOST of 152!

But, the fog on 152 is not usually that bad. Why?? Because of the WINDS! Winds blow fog away. Winds are prevalant on top of mountains or passes. Winds can "die down" in valleys like around Fresno.... and thus the fog is thick as thieves!

Now.... you want advice. Here is mine. You've got a car, right? MAKE the trip in your car several times, at differnt times of day, and SEE what the traffic is doing (especially the trucks,) and SEE where the OUTS are!

Memorize the road! This could save your life someday!

From what you said, you will be doing this run quite often, if not most of the time. Why WAIT until you are in a truck to figure it out? If you live nearby..... go DO IT!!!

Do NOT take this route lightly. I've been over every pass in Cali, and this one is about an 8 on the scale! Going downhill to the east can smoke your brakes, if you are not in the proper gear! Don't be in a hurry the first few times! But, don't worry so much about fog. Just go slow in your lane, with flashers, and expect the SAME conditions on the downside!

Pacheco Pass is one of the most lovely parts of California! You could do MUCH worse than to have to drive this on a daily basis! The hardest part is keeping your mind on what you are doing (when the view is clear.)

Good luck.... and don't waste your time with Malakai, until or unless you EVER find a 12% grade! Then.... of course.... HE is the expert! :roll:

[But ONLY if it is on the EAST Coast!]

Malaki86 11-12-2007 04:56 PM

Re: Pacheco Pass CA Experiences in rain or fog ?

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by lexiecat
I need to drive on 152 from the West Coast to Los Banos. That mean going over 152 Pacheco Pass. In the fog, now that that time of year is hear. I am wondering if any of you out there has had experience there, and just how bad and often the fog gets. I assume it's mostly at the top.

I really wish CHP OR Caltrans would post on an hourly basis if need be the weather conditions. It's a 20 mile stretch approx. There are NO signs at all. Often there are really BAD accidents, I have never seen worse or more dangers drivers anywhere, and this is during good clear weather.

Any info or good advice would be welcome. Thank You.


Well.... UNLIKE Malakai.... I HAVE been there, many times. And there is a big difference between being LOADED and EMPTY! Empty trucks will take the left lane and zoom! Loaded trucks tend to stay in the right lane with flashers on.

The fog CAN be bad, but it is usually on the COASTAL side, not the "valley side." But when it occurs, it is just BELOW the crest! (for reasons I don't have time to explain.)

Now.... Empty trucks are usually going WEST.... towards Salinas, where they will load, so they are the fastest/crasiest. If you are going East, most trucks will allready be loaded, and will be heavy and slow.

If you have "really never seen worse or more dangerous drivers ANYWHERE, I have to question where the heck you have EVER been?

I've driven all over Cali, and this is not the worst. You mentioned the 100 vehicle pileup in Fresno during the fog.... been there, done THAT! Highway 99 is the Worst! And the fog is worse there, too!

The trick to driving in fog, is go slow.... put on your flashers... and be ready to STOP or take the shoulder! Yes.... there IS a shoulder over MOST of 152!

But, the fog on 152 is not usually that bad. Why?? Because of the WINDS! Winds blow fog away. Winds are prevalant on top of mountains or passes. Winds can "die down" in valleys like around Fresno.... and thus the fog is thick as thieves!

Now.... you want advice. Here is mine. You've got a car, right? MAKE the trip in your car several times, at differnt times of day, and SEE what the traffic is doing (especially the trucks,) and SEE where the OUTS are!

Memorize the road! This could save your life someday!

From what you said, you will be doing this run quite often, if not most of the time. Why WAIT until you are in a truck to figure it out? If you live nearby..... go DO IT!!!

Do NOT take this route lightly. I've been over every pass in Cali, and this one is about an 8 on the scale! Going downhill to the east can smoke your brakes, if you are not in the proper gear! Don't be in a hurry the first few times! But, don't worry so much about fog. Just go slow in your lane, with flashers, and expect the SAME conditions on the downside!

Pacheco Pass is one of the most lovely parts of California! You could do MUCH worse than to have to drive this on a daily basis! The hardest part is keeping your mind on what you are doing (when the view is clear.)

Good luck.... and don't waste your time with Malakai, until or unless you EVER find a 12% grade! Then.... of course.... HE is the expert! :roll:

[But ONLY if it is on the EAST Coast!]

Ya - that's REALLY smart - telling people that "ahh heck - you're empty - why do ya need to slow down because you can't see the road in front of you"

golfhobo 11-12-2007 06:04 PM

Malakai said:


Ya - that's REALLY smart - telling people that "ahh heck - you're empty - why do ya need to slow down because you can't see the road in front of you"
As usual, you have once again misunderstood me, and misrepresented my post!

I ASSUME the poster will be loaded! I was telling her what to expect from the EMPTY trucks that are trying like Heck to get to Salinas in time to get a load out that night!

But, YOU wouldn't KNOW about that.... so why are you responding?

I specifically identified the fog levels, and how NOT to expect it to be clear on either side, UNLESS you see the wind on one side or the other.... but you wouldn't know about THAT, either!

People come on here with questions about OTR driving, especially in certain parts of the WEST. You seem to be an expert on the part of the country that is within a 50 mile radius of YOU! When we need to travel those backroads in W.VA, we'll ask YOU.

There have been MANY threads referring to YOUR part of the country.... and You will not find a single response from ME! I don't talk about what I don't KNOW about!

But, here someone asks a question about MY backyard, and you want to critique my answer? Ha, Ha!! You really need to get a CLUE! :roll:

Oh, BTW..... you will find ALL those circumstances you questioned on that other thread on CA-198 through Coalingua Canyon! And the ONLY warning sign is that trucks with MORE than 30 ft between kingpin and tandem are not "advised." But, I seldom listen to "advice" when I consider the source!

Malaki86 11-12-2007 06:56 PM

I don't care where the hell you drive - heavy fog is heavy fog...

LostProphet 11-12-2007 09:01 PM

Re: Pacheco Pass CA Experiences in rain or fog ?

Originally Posted by lexiecat
I need to drive on 152 from the West Coast to Los Banos. That mean going over 152 Pacheco Pass. In the fog, now that that time of year is hear. I am wondering if any of you out there has had experience there, and just how bad and often the fog gets. I assume it's mostly at the top.

I really wish CHP OR Caltrans would post on an hourly basis if need be the weather conditions. It's a 20 mile stretch approx. There are NO signs at all. Often there are really BAD accidents, I have never seen worse or more dangers drivers anywhere, and this is during good clear weather.

Any info or good advice would be welcome. Thank You.


Well,When i drove for lucifer (aka cr a couple years ago id often have to take a load thru there when I came out of hometime.And honestly I didnt find it too bad,I just took my time put on my flashers and decreased speed.GolfHobo was right tho,might wanna decrease your speed when youre coming back eastbound,couple of grades.And also,you should watch out for the "gainey" trucks thru there,they have a dedicated that runs thru there and they like to show off thru that pass.However im not too sure about the "whole worst drivers" being in that area,my personal take would have to be vail,colorado..,that area is like the bowels of everything BOL.

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