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Ridge Runner 07-23-2007 11:39 PM


Originally Posted by Consider

Originally Posted by bulldog2036
If this is what amazes you lady than the density factor lies in what you see in the must be really thick. No wonder you are single, sheesh get a REAL life and get off these forums if you have nothing else than garbage to spew. What moss growth did you crawl out of.....

lol... might I remind you that some time ago in a private message you wanted to meet...

Truly, were you not surprised at the amount of difference tinfoil at the base of the plants made?

And, once I saw that, I've put tinfoil on top of my bookcases where no one can see it, but it increases the light in here a lot.


Don't be a sore looser.

OUCH!!! :lol: :wink:

Jumbo 07-24-2007 12:52 AM

I don't want to take my tinfoil hat off. It keeps the aliens from reading my mind.

bulldog2036 07-24-2007 01:19 AM

That was before I saw you were an old HAG...Trust me grandma I'm not losing anything, as a matter of fact I'm a better person for not meeting you......LOSER!!!!!!

century451 07-24-2007 01:33 AM

Dang, she sure put your panties in a twist. Apparently as a former Jarhead you never learned that loose lips sink ships.......need a life jacket?

Mack2 07-24-2007 02:01 AM

Bulldog I'm not disagreing with you but, there are alot of topics on this fourm that arn't trucking related.

Consider 07-24-2007 03:03 AM


Originally Posted by Jumbo
I don't want to take my tinfoil hat off. It keeps the aliens from reading my mind.



golfhobo 07-25-2007 12:34 AM

:lol: :lol: I TOLD you, Bulldog..... they were jumpin' on ya!! :lol: :lol:

As I said, this IS a forum for everything "Trucker" related, and I guess SOME do get into gardening on their "many" days off.... ME.... I'm more into the tinfoil hat aspect of it, and don't know HOW this thread got off topic!

BTW... Jumbo.... the tinfoil hat offers NO protection against the advanced technologies of the ALIENS!! But, it has proven to be effective against the current administration and the illegal use of satellites by the NSA.

These satellites have been in orbit for over 30 years, but until recently, there were LAWS against then being "targeted" against ANY signal eminating from the USA. And yes, believe me because I HAVE been there, and I do KNOW their capabilities. How do you think we "find" the top men of Al Quaida recently? Now, consider, that we have the same capabilities against American Citizens! :shock:

BTW... these LONG established "rights" of privacy under the 4th Ammendment, were UPHELD by the Clinton Administration, including it's Jucicial appointees, the Supreme Court and YOUR "elected" members of Congress.

But, until the Bush Administration, including the steadfast will of the Attorney General Gonzales, the upholding of the "Patriot Act" and other moves by the office of the Vice President, who answers to NO ONE.... these MASSIVE "high technology" assets have NEVER been turned on the "wavelengths" of America.

Until then, we were a FREE Nation. Now, we are little more than Soviet Russia, where the "walls had ears!"

Welcome to the NEW "NeoCon" America! As long as they can convince YOU that we are under some "threat," they can "abridge" your Bill of Rights!

Next thing you know, like GERMANY, they'll be taking you to WAR against the World for the greater GLORY of your "homeland!" :roll:

Wait a minute!...... That's where we are TODAY!!???? I must have "slept" through the last few hundred miles!

What's that? A "cop" with an Uzi waiting for me at the yard? Hazmat Papers? I don't have them! Jail? Unitl WHEN?? NO BOND??? Where's my lawyer? Can I see my FAMILY??

:shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol: :roll: :roll: :shock:

Jumbo 07-25-2007 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
:lol: :lol: I TOLD you, Bulldog..... they were jumpin' on ya!! :lol: :lol:

As I said, this IS a forum for everything "Trucker" related, and I guess SOME do get into gardening on their "many" days off.... ME.... I'm more into the tinfoil hat aspect of it, and don't know HOW this thread got off topic!

BTW... Jumbo.... the tinfoil hat offers NO protection against the advanced technologies of the ALIENS!! But, it has proven to be effective against the current administration and the illegal use of satellites by the NSA.

These satellites have been in orbit for over 30 years, but until recently, there were LAWS against then being "targeted" against ANY signal eminating from the USA. And yes, believe me because I HAVE been there, and I do KNOW their capabilities. How do you think we "find" the top men of Al Quaida recently? Now, consider, that we have the same capabilities against American Citizens! :shock:

BTW... these LONG established "rights" of privacy under the 4th Ammendment, were UPHELD by the Clinton Administration, including it's Jucicial appointees, the Supreme Court and YOUR "elected" members of Congress.

But, until the Bush Administration, including the steadfast will of the Attorney General Gonzales, the upholding of the "Patriot Act" and other moves by the office of the Vice President, who answers to NO ONE.... these MASSIVE "high technology" assets have NEVER been turned on the "wavelengths" of America.

Until then, we were a FREE Nation. Now, we are little more than Soviet Russia, where the "walls had ears!"

Welcome to the NEW "NeoCon" America! As long as they can convince YOU that we are under some "threat," they can "abridge" your Bill of Rights!

Next thing you know, like GERMANY, they'll be taking you to WAR against the World for the greater GLORY of your "homeland!" :roll:

Wait a minute!...... That's where we are TODAY!!???? I must have "slept" through the last few hundred miles!

What's that? A "cop" with an Uzi waiting for me at the yard? Hazmat Papers? I don't have them! Jail? Unitl WHEN?? NO BOND??? Where's my lawyer? Can I see my FAMILY??

:shock: :shock: :roll: :roll: :lol: :roll: :roll: :shock:

But, I can only wear the tinfoil hat. The pure lead hat doesn't go with any of my outfits.

marcel27208 07-25-2007 03:46 AM

i actually enjoy all the gardening stuff even though i have no green thumb!!! its as simple as if you dont like it then dont read it :lol: :lol:

bulldog2036 07-25-2007 02:21 PM

Hey ' problem...I got big shoulders. Yes, I do understand that many topics on this forum are not related to trucking and MAYBE I got out of hand but I'm not the one who took the first shot. All I asked was what this had to do with trucking and next thing you know I am being called "dense" instead of a simple answer to my question. I guess I just wasn't buying "cuckoo" that day. "Loose lips sink ships"....boy that is original century451 but I'll take a pass on any further hurling of potshots at anybody since I have been deemed to have my "panties in a twist"....hardly.

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