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YoungZ.W. 03-26-2007 11:48 PM

Am I going to have to take my belt off and teach you two to play nice together. I don't want to but I WILL!! :lol:

Rev.Vassago 03-26-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by golfhobo

Originally Posted by yoopr
Is that a Fact Volund(Or should I say Oppland) where you haven't driven a Foot yet.

Was THIS "outing" necessary, Scooter? (I mean Yoopr?) I don't recall reading the rule that one HAD to be a driver to participate on this board. I found the referenced post well written, thoughtful and helpful.

If you have a problem with the moderators pointing out members who use multiple usernames, then the place to take it up is via PM. :roll:

You know, Rev.... I STARTED to add the caveat that I KNEW he was within his rights (yoopr, I mean) because the TOS forbids multiple usernames. But, I thought we ALL understood that. Perhaps, I didn't account for YOU. :P

I was under the impression that, if such a violation of the rules were taking place, the MODS would warn the offender BY PM. I see no reason for them to do so in public. And, even if they DO feel that the public forum is the place to do it, I see no reason for them to be condescending about it.

If, as Snowman says, we are "entitled" to know about someone using multiple identities (something that SHOULDN'T even be happening,) then simply INFORM US. Impugning someone's experience based on "insider knowledge," instead of just deleting their post, is IMHO malevolent at BEST.

The mods have SUPER powers, and with that comes higher responsibility and accountability. I have MUCH respect for the mods on this board, and that includes the YOOP!

IIRC, YOU have had it out with Yoopr in PM's before. Something about threats? Personally, I have run afoul of him only once that I know of, and his PM to me was "cordial." I believe I thanked him for that!

I have only limited "issues" with Yoopr, and NONE with any other MOD. Perhaps, that is reflective of their individual "styles" (or level of activity.) If a mod contacts ME by PM, I respond in kind. If a MOD were to insult me in the open on the board? I would respond in kind. You GET what you GIVE in this life. Every trucker knows that.

I've read the TOS. One thing it says (besides the copyright issue) is that WE should not attempt to ACT as MODS, if we aren't one. I'll thank YOU to remember that. I don't go around asking for threads to be locked, or posters to be banned. That's not my job. OUR little "debates" notwithstanding, I'll thank you to NOT treat ME as a noobie that needs your "instruction" or "training" concerning the TOS.

I TOLD you that I will defend ANYONE when I feel they deserve defending. I don't know VOLUND/OPPLAND from Adam or Dawn. You REALLY need to get that GOD complex of yours in check!

Now.... are we having FUN yet??? :lol:

Huh? Who peed in your Wheaties today? :?

golfhobo 03-27-2007 12:10 AM

The REV said:


Huh? Who peed in your Wheaties today?
Well.... I GUESS that would be YOU! :lol:

But, no worries.... I didn't EAT them! :shock: :lol:

I'm cool, Rev.... I'm cool. 8)

Rev.Vassago 03-27-2007 12:20 AM


Originally Posted by golfhobo
But, no worries.... I didn't EAT them! :shock: :lol:

Yes you did. Admit it, you liked them. :P

golfhobo 03-27-2007 12:21 AM


Originally Posted by YoungZ.W.
Am I going to have to take my belt off and teach you two to play nice together. I don't want to but I WILL!! :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Ha ha! Youngster! That reminds me of when I was just a KID! My Dad had a BIG leather belt, and I was intimately familiar with it! But.... it was USUALLY my brother's fault!!

What I hated MOST was when he said, "This is gonna hurt ME more than it will YOU!" BULLSH#T!!!! What part of "whelps on my butt" didn't HE understand???

But, you know what? It worked! Look at how "nice" I can play with the other truckers NOW!!! :lol: :lol:

Who KNOWS what I would have been like today if I'd been "coddled" like SOME (hoosiers) young 'uns ??? :P :lol:

golfhobo 03-27-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Rev.Vassago

Originally Posted by golfhobo
But, no worries.... I didn't EAT them! :shock: :lol:

Yes you did. Admit it, you liked them. :P

Oh- KAY!!! I ATE 'em..... but I didn't SWALLOW!!!! :shock:

I spewed 'em out all over the hood of a PETERBILT!!! :P

:lol: :lol: :lol:

ibamars 03-28-2007 05:31 AM

I think trucking is dangerous based on not so much of what you do but what the other supertruckers or 4 wheelers might do out there.

Alot of jobs are dangerous. However, if short cuts are made a habit (which they are in this industry) then it can be a very dangerous job.

Example: Poor Pre-trip, not knowing your equipment, driving when you shouldnt be driving, driving to fast for conditions, lack of paying attention and many more.

If safety is followed, then we have a chance of minimizing how dangerous this profession can be.

We have numerous rules or suggestions as to what we need to do to be safe drivers out here. But when you see truckers or even 4 wheelers not following far enough or speeding in a construction zone or taking corners to fast or when dispatch says this is a hot load. Then we increase the chance of this being a very dangerous job because we push the limits for the almighty dollar or we dont want to be looked down on by dispatch and get passed up for better miles if we push the envelope.

We ALL have a decision to make everyday as to how safe WE are going to be. Have I pushed the envelope before? Absolutely, that does not make it right, but, thats what trucking is.

I think is a great post. We as truckers should tell dispatch to shove it every now and then and push for better money and training, equipment or whatever you feel is important.

the industry needs to be turned upside for poor wages and inadequate training and poor health insurance and more.

Did you know that truck drivers have the hardest time getting disability insurance due to the nature of the work? If your company offers it, take it!!!

Ok enough rambling

this is my 2 cents!!!

Lewis friend 03-28-2007 12:44 PM

Unfortunately, it can be.

What scares the dickens out of me is the possiblility of someone crossing over the median strip into your path. You can't control this. You have absolutely no control over what a car on the opposing side of the highway is going to do!

So, my new policy is to actually drive maybe 5-10 MPH lower than the posted speed limit at night. Or, if possible, don't even drive at night.

But, of course, the above scenario could happen during the daytime, so you're screwed!

coastie 03-28-2007 01:08 PM

At one time Trucking was the 3rd Dangerous job.

Do I think it is? Yes. But everything has it dangers.

What scares me? Hitting the Mini Van with all the Kids in it cause the parent being Stupid..

LilBit 03-28-2007 06:21 PM

Found this site while I was looking around online...says that Truck Driving is number 9 on the dangerous jobs list.............

1. Logging workers
2. Aircraft pilots/flight engineers
3. Fishers and related workers
4. Structural Iron and Steel Workers
5. Refuse and recyclable material collectors
6. Farmers and ranchers
7. Roofers
8. Electrical power line installers and repairers

9. Driver/sales workers and truck drivers
Fatalities: 27.6 per 100,000 employed
Truck driver median pay: $33,520
Driver/sales worker median pay: $20,090
Truck drivers transport goods including cars and livestock, and driver/sales workers deliver and sell their firm's products over established routes. Both groups spend the majority of their time on the road, putting them at high risk of highway vehicle crashes.

10. Taxi drivers and chauffeurs

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