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Rookie McRookerson 03-06-2007 04:51 AM

Detained by US Customs/Border Patrol
I and my trainer went into Canada this morning to drop a load and pick up another to bring back across the border. Everything went well until we got back to the US Customs. They ran my license and told me to park my truck and come in. My trainer and I went in to see what the problem was.

First, this happened right at their shift change. The guy who took our licenses and told us to report inside, went off duty. The oncoming shift took 45 minutes to find our licenses. Then one of them pulled me into a private room and asked me about a no contact order in the computer system. I explained that I had just gone through a divorce and there had been a temporary no contact order between my (then) wife and I. It was a mutual no contact order. He went into the back office for a while then came out and asked for the keys to the truck (my trainer's truck). He then went out and conducted a search of the cab (I assume he was looking for weapons). He then came back in and told us we were free to go. I asked him if there would be some notation in their computer records so I wouldn't be subject to this again (I will be crossing into and out of Canada everyday this week). He said there would not. As long as that no contact order is still in the system, I will be subject to go through this whenever they happened to run my name. We were held there for two and a half hours while they sorted it all out.

Now, this wasn't a protection order or an anti-harassment order. It was merely a no contact order.

I was on my cell phone as soon as I stepped outside the Customs office to my divorce attorney to get this cleared up.

What a day!

marcel27208 03-06-2007 08:16 AM

what a day!!!! be glad that it was ONLY 2.5 hours :lol:

Lewis friend 03-06-2007 02:17 PM

Gee, i'm real sorry about the "no-contact order(?)". Things are so complicated when you become an adult.

I got turned away at Ogdensburg/Prescott (upstate NY) because my stupid company "forgot" to fax my paperwork in. So, i had to spend the night in a hotel. They denied me entry!!! Ouch. And yes, they searched the cab.

Then another time at Portal, N.portal...........ah you don't want to hear about it.

03-06-2007 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by Lewis friend
Gee, i'm real sorry about the "no-contact order(?)". Things are so complicated when you become an adult. You should know
I got turned away at Ogdensburg/Prescott (upstate NY) because my stupid company "forgot" to fax my paperwork in. So, i had to spend the night in a hotel. They denied me entry!!! Ouch. And yes, they searched the cab.

Then another time at Portal, N.portal...........ah you don't want to hear about it.

No one cares about your made up adventures.

Blacksheep 03-06-2007 08:28 PM


Originally Posted by tfmotors

Originally Posted by Lewis friend
Gee, I'm real sorry about the "no-contact order(?)". Things are so complicated when you become an adult. You should know
I got turned away at Ogdensburg/Prescott (upstate NY) because my stupid company "forgot" to fax my paperwork in. So, i had to spend the night in a hotel. They denied me entry!!! Ouch. And yes, they searched the cab and found my kiddy porn

Then another time at Portal, N.portal...........ah you don't want to hear about it, but lets just say lube and a rubber glove were involved.

No one cares about your made up adventures.

I'm up for a laugh. :lol:

glasman2 03-06-2007 11:34 PM

Well I hope your attorney gets this all sorted out.
LOL Now you got me wondering if my no-contact order was ever lifted in 86.
I did one on my ex and in return she did one on me, just to try to tick me off.

century451 03-07-2007 03:42 AM

I have never had troubles with Customs going into Canada but seems the US Customs are real works of art. It isn't just in trucking. When I was in the Military they always treated you like a criminal anytime you went through a port of entry in the United States. Apparently you Have to have a few turds over a basket full to be one of these shiatheads.

greg3564 03-07-2007 04:27 AM

Hey look on the bright side. For every 5 times you get hauled into the Customs shack, you get a cavity search...FREE! :shock: :lol:

Goin Fer It 03-07-2007 06:11 AM

I almost went to Canada once with my mother, sister, husband and children.
We drove up there in two vehicles. All I can say is Thank the Lord it was before 911 !

We got turned back BIG TIME! As we followed my mom and sister coming back through the guy stops us and ask "How long were you in Canada?"

We said about twenty minutes. He looks at us like yeah right. Then my husband says we are with them. The guy looks and says Oh the pistol and the dog. :oops: :oops: I told him I must have been adopted :oops:

My mom forgot about the pistol in the glove box and my sister had her dogs without shot papers.

Goin Fer It's Wife

hoosierdaddy 03-08-2007 10:03 PM

Our customs officers are nowhere near as bad as the U.S. ones. However, one time I had some idiots when coming back home to Canada. Usually they are far worse on the American side though. As if a bunch of Canadians are trying to smuggle illegal guns and such into the U.S. :roll:

mapleleaf_1 03-09-2007 02:50 AM

When I'm driving back from Canada I've found the border people out of Detroit are the worse. They seem to have this "holier than thou" attitude. The ones at Port Huron and Buffalo are pretty good to deal with. If I can avoid going through the Detroit customs I will.

Coming into Canada I've had no complaints about any of the crossings at Windsor, Sarnia or Fort Erie. Maybe I'm just fortunate, I don't know. Drive safe everyone. :)

hoosierdaddy 03-09-2007 11:22 PM

Oh they are just horrible in Detroit. I'm going through the immigration process right now and I am thinking of driving up to Sarnia/Port Huron when I enter just to avoid them Detroit people. I wonder if many of them failed in getting a police officer job and they take it out on harmless Canadians who are obviously not smuggling guns into the U.S.

MapleLeaf, if you're ever back through Windsor again feel free to stop, take a break and contribute to our local economy. I have relatives in Wisconsin by the way. Peace.

mapleleaf_1 03-10-2007 04:59 AM

I was born in Windsor Hoosier. :) But like I've said before I don't go through Windsor/Detroit unless I absolutely have to. It's more the Detroit side coming back into the States I don't like. I do runs up there at least once a month but haven't been home for a visit for over a year now. Plan on doing that come May or June. Keep my fingers crossed. Drive safe everyone. :)

hoosierdaddy 03-10-2007 12:57 PM

Well, stay safe and enjoy your trip back home. When you're done, go back to the states through Sarnia. :wink:

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