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mikey4069 02-18-2007 11:57 PM

You should have already joined ooida . by the way they were having a special membership $25 to join

PackRatTDI 02-19-2007 12:07 AM

Re: idling

Originally Posted by One
Sooooo its ok to idle if theres an animal in the truck to make sure theyre comfortable, but a driver with all the responsibility that comes with it?????We must be lower than vermin to the lawmakers! Time to join OOIDA

It's because animals have celebrity members of PETA to champion their cause. All truck drivers have is the Rubber Duck.

Jackrabbit379 02-19-2007 02:41 PM

Re: idling

Originally Posted by PackRatTDI
All truck drivers have is the Rubber Duck.

Him, and Pig Pen. :P

madbunny 02-19-2007 11:16 PM

Re: anti idling laws

Originally Posted by scania
how do you guys stay warm/cool in the no idling states,especially co. drivers,I know they don't provide generators so what do you guys do?

You'd be surprise anymore how many companies are putting APU on their trucks.

Be like me stay off the east and dare them to say a thing about me idling at -20 degrees.

Windwalker 02-20-2007 02:34 PM

I did a WHOLE LOT of idling in PA this trip..... On I-81...

Also idled in MA, and no one said a word.

dedhead66 02-20-2007 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Windwalker
I did a WHOLE LOT of idling in PA this trip..... On I-81...

Also idled in MA, and no one said a word.

Yeah, I was stuck on I-81 south Thursday near Exit 162 for about 3 hrs, moved about 12 miles and then stuck at the 150 for another 4 hrs. I was delivering a load of salt to Penn DOT in Weatherly and they said that the governor had them hold off plowing to save money. Too bad so many people lost money because they had to idle and couldn't make delivery times.

jnk2001 02-20-2007 06:41 PM

Re: anti idling laws

Originally Posted by scania
how do you guys stay warm/cool in the no idling states,especially co. drivers,I know they don't provide generators so what do you guys do?

The winters I can usually bundle up, but then again, I'm not going to shut down just to freeze to death either. The summers are what can get bad. I hate the heat and WANT the air conditioner.

Mtc_Is_Hell 02-20-2007 09:54 PM

I parked right next to the No Idleing sign in New York, I had to be the only one idleing at that truck stop..

Colin 02-20-2007 09:59 PM

It seems like some of you are not reading the 'exemptions' column. :?

CA - Resting in sleeper berth beyond 100’ of residential units (exemption ends January 1, 2008) (get an APU, dude)
- Queuing beyond 100’ of residential
- Adverse weather conditions or mechanical

NJ - Sleeping or resting in a sleeper berth in nonresidential
zone unless equipped with auxiliary heating/cooling

NY - Comply with passenger comfort laws (not sure if this applies to drivers)
- Parked for more than 2 hrs & less than 25° F

MA - Associate power needed & alternatives unavailable (keep your tv on)

Mtc_Is_Hell 02-20-2007 11:22 PM

When I was idleing in ny it was about 50 degrees.


Originally Posted by Colin
It seems like some of you are not reading the 'exemptions' column. :?

CA - Resting in sleeper berth beyond 100’ of residential units (exemption ends January 1, 2008) (get an APU, dude)
- Queuing beyond 100’ of residential
- Adverse weather conditions or mechanical

NJ - Sleeping or resting in a sleeper berth in nonresidential
zone unless equipped with auxiliary heating/cooling

NY - Comply with passenger comfort laws (not sure if this applies to drivers)
- Parked for more than 2 hrs & less than 25° F

MA - Associate power needed & alternatives unavailable (keep your tv on)

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