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Deus 01-26-2007 04:18 PM

How to quit smoking
Hey, I quit smoking awhile ago but started again when I started driving for the company I'm at.

I do about 1,600 miles a week and all that time behind the wheel got nothing better to do than smoke.

Patches? Nicotine gum? All kind of expensive, just wondering what worked for drivers out there to quit smoking.

It was easy for me to stop smoking before, because all I had to do was keep busy. Not smoking while driving seems like it will be nearly impossible.

Mackman 01-26-2007 11:25 PM

Am in the same boat your in am trying to quit allso i think am going to do it co9ld turkey.

Uturn2001 01-27-2007 01:04 AM

I would not reccomend doing it the way I did.

Spent a month in the hospital due to a severe case of pnuemonia. 2 weeks in a drug induced coma and on a ventilator, 2 emergency surgeries and a lot of pain later I was off a 3 pack a day habit. :shock: :shock:

Mackman 01-27-2007 01:06 AM

thats why i want to stop now before it gets to that uturn. My dad had to get a quadruple hart bypass 2 years ago cuz of smoking.

Uturn2001 01-27-2007 01:31 AM

Really one of the best ways to stop smoking is to simply avoid being around them as much as possible. Do not buy them.

It is not easy, and from time to time, even months or years down the road you are going to want them.

Some people have success taking Welbutrin. It is an anti-depressant but has shown to help with stop smoking. You take it for a month and then pick a date within the nest two weeks to quit. During that time cut back on how much you smoke bit by bit.

For example if you normally smoke one every 30 minutes go 45 minutes and then an hour then an hour and 15 minutes.

Or if you normally smoke 2 packs allow yourself only 1 pack a day for a week, then 1/2 a pack, then 5 a day...then quit.

Charkar 01-27-2007 01:32 AM

Want to
I think it is great for anyone to quit smoking. I smoked for 30 years and recently quit just over 5 months ago. It can be tough at times, but with will power, anything is possible.


Deus 01-27-2007 05:10 AM


Originally Posted by Uturn2001
Really one of the best ways to stop smoking is to simply avoid being around them as much as possible. Do not buy them.

It is not easy, and from time to time, even months or years down the road you are going to want them.

Some people have success taking Welbutrin. It is an anti-depressant but has shown to help with stop smoking. You take it for a month and then pick a date within the nest two weeks to quit. During that time cut back on how much you smoke bit by bit.

For example if you normally smoke one every 30 minutes go 45 minutes and then an hour then an hour and 15 minutes.

Or if you normally smoke 2 packs allow yourself only 1 pack a day for a week, then 1/2 a pack, then 5 a day...then quit.

I've heard of success with Welbutrin as well, can you take that while driving though?

WorldPax 01-27-2007 02:34 PM

This was advice I got from a doctor.

Step 1- Switch to Carltons, they are the lowest tar and nicotine cig out. You will not like them, but they will take care of the cravings and are cheaper than the gum or the patch.

Step 2- Like it was said before, slowly increase the time you go between cigs, and start alternating cigs with strong mints or licorice.

Step 3- Bring your will power.

Uturn2001 01-27-2007 02:41 PM

Unless your company has a problem with it you can drive on Welbutrin.

I was driving when I was on it to try to quit smoking. I had it almost beat until one night I hit an icy patch on the road and almost jackkifed. Compound that scary event with some idiot BBR being right on my azz and you have a truly nerve racking moment.

I ended up smoking 2 packs over the next 4 hours.

WorldPax 01-27-2007 02:44 PM

On another note, if you're going to smoke, roll your own. The tobacco you get is typically much better than the chemically enhanced stuff you get in prepackaged smokes. Having to actually assemble the cigarette, usually makes you smoke less.

I actually enjoy smoking, and rarely smoke more than 7-10 cigs in a day. I buy 14oz bags of my favorite tobacco online and boxes of tubes. This equates to about $10 a carton and I am smoking real quality tobacco, naturally grown with nothing added.

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